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Here Kate, college student, she want a little makeover to move on.

Any suggestion for her ?

Nothing too drastic please, it's her first time.




How about bleaching her hair blonde, but doing the tips pink, with pink streaks in her bangs to frame her face?

Christian Schneider

Dye her hair blond and a slutty make up..... Should be enough!

Tiffany Blanchet

Maybe some simple blonde highlights, some heavy makeup, and some eyebrow cleaning.


She definitely needs a lip injection


Give her a little slutty look

Ohe Fan

Do it slowly, her addiction to change needs to build up. Some fake eyelashes, arched eyebrows and lighten her hair colour, more to red than the usual blond. Make her a sophisticated high-class plastic slut.


purplely blonde hair color


The term "Gimbo" comes to mind. To be gentle, dark hair in the cool color spectrum (purples, blues, etc...) dark eye and lip makeup.


I second Ohe Fan's suggestion. No need to go all out on the first try.


I agree with Josh Huls. You've done too many wonderful blonde bimbos. Let's keep her hair the same, but add blue. The makeup blue, silver, purple. Jewelry silver. Clothes shiny black, blue, purple, and silver.


Oh and give her a sleeve tattoo, Purple, blue and black. Pierced tits, nose ring, multiple ears. Pussy needs to be chained. One last thing, her hair should be huge and length in back all the way down to her tramp stamp.

Jessi Femboi

id love a fire-engine red bubble-flip... like a female dragqueen with some nice puffy lips and heavy makeup job


Smaller nose, bigger lips, faker tits gother.


I wouldn't do much to her nose, except add a nose ring. Definitely agree the lips could be plumpier.


Give her a glimpse of what she could become. Hair extensions that reach her stomach, keeping the same colour (for now). Sluttier make up, but not to much and sexy skimpy clothes with some nice heels.


I agree with this, a small glimpse of her future. Extensions and makeup for a date. Nothing too drastic.


yea now that i have a better look at the nose. her nose is fine the bridge might be a bit narrower that's all.

Ella Dreyko

I think her best feature are here big doe eyes. So maybe the make-up should emphasize them: fake eyelashes, eyeliner, etc. But don't overdue the lips. The hair or piercings, I have no idea.

Rand J

How about a little lip filler. But unfortunately they make a mistake on the lower lip filling it way to much. Obviously the upper lip must be made bigger to balance it out.

John Rossi

the eye makeup should be dramatic


Ok nothing to drastic. Darken her eye brows and define them possible tattooed on, Longer eye lashes. Minor lip plumping. Since her hair is dark stick with some dark eye liner and shadow. Lip stick gloss black or matte dark purple. Got to get her hooked on looking good and liking the looks she gets. She will come back when the lip plumper goes down and her eye lashe's fall off she need to get something more permanent and maybe tey something else.