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She explored her new breasts further, squeezing them gently, feeling their weight shift and the implants inside move. The firmness under her fingers confirmed what she feared—they were undeniably fake. She moved her body, watching how the heavy mounds reacted to her movements, reinforcing the unnaturalness of it all.


Each touch sent a jolt of surreal awareness through her, a bizarre blend of sensations that felt both real and foreign. She could feel the implants beneath the taut skin, a solid mass that resisted her fingers' pressure, unlike the softness she was accustomed to. The heft of her new breasts was startling; they swayed and bounced with a pronounced delay, almost as if they had a life of their own. This unfamiliar weight tugged at her chest, making her acutely aware of every subtle movement she made.


Lori lifted them slightly, testing their weight, and felt the strain on her arms. The sheer mass was overwhelming, causing her to wince at the unnatural pull. She rotated her shoulders and torso, watching in the mirror as her new breasts followed with a lagging, exaggerated motion, emphasizing their bulk. Each sway and jiggle felt exaggerated, a constant reminder of their artificial nature.


Her hands, adorned with long red extension nails, traced the perimeter of each breast, fingers gliding over the smooth, firm surface. The contrast of her vibrant nails against the taut skin was striking, highlighting the surreal nature of her transformation. She pressed harder, trying to understand this new part of her body, but the sensation was disconcerting. There was no give, no familiar softness; instead, it was like pressing against a tightly filled balloon. The implants shifted slightly under her touch, a reminder of their presence and the bizarre reality she was now facing.


The sight of her long red nails pressing into the unnatural firmness of her new breasts was almost hypnotic. The sharp contrast made the situation even more surreal, as if she were watching someone else explore this alien body. Lori’s fingers, with their perfectly manicured tips, moved methodically, trying to map out the extent of the changes. She could feel the edges of the implants, the way they stretched her skin taut, making her hyper-aware of the foreign objects now embedded within her.


She tried to lift them again, her nails digging slightly into the firm flesh, and felt the strain in her arms once more. The weight was undeniable, a constant, heavy presence that she couldn’t ignore. The exaggerated motions in the mirror, the delayed sways and jiggles, seemed to mock her, emphasizing just how unnatural and out of place these new additions were.


With a deep breath, Lori let her hands fall to her sides, the long red nails catching the light briefly before she looked away from the mirror. The reality of her situation was overwhelming, and the tactile exploration of her new form had only deepened her sense of displacement. She was trapped in a body that no longer felt like her own, every movement and sensation a reminder of the bizarre transformation she had undergone.

edit: 07/24/24 references to the long red nails
