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Lori stared at her reflection in the hotel bedroom mirror, her eyes wide with disbelief and confusion. She couldn't comprehend what had happened to her. Her hands, adorned with long red fingernails, trembled as she reached for the straps of her leopard print top. Slowly, she pulled the top over her head, her breath catching in her throat as the fabric slipped away.


As the top fell to the floor, Lori's eyes widened even further. Her new breasts were enormous, almost comically large, stretching her skin taut. She lifted her hands to her chest, the weight of her new breasts unfamiliar and heavy. The sheer size and shape of them seemed unreal, as if they were a bizarre illusion.


She turned slightly, examining herself from different angles, each view more surreal than the last. The reflection in the mirror showed an exaggerated version of herself, one she didn't recognize. "How can this be possible?" she whispered; her voice barely audible. She pressed her hands against her breasts, feeling their firmness, the skin smooth and unyielding.


They looked artificial, almost like they had been surgically implanted while she slept. But that was impossible, wasn't it? Lori's mind raced, trying to piece together any logical explanation, but nothing made sense. The absurdity of her situation left her reeling, her thoughts a chaotic swirl of disbelief and fear.


Her fingers traced the outline of her breasts, her touch light and tentative. The sensation was strange, both familiar and alien at the same time. She felt like she was trapped in someone else's body, her identity slipping away with each passing second. The sight of her exaggerated curves was like a cruel joke, a twisted prank played by some unseen force.


Lori's breath came in shallow gasps as she struggled to comprehend the reality of her new form. Her reflection in the mirror seemed to mock her, a distorted version of herself that she couldn't escape. She closed her eyes, hoping that when she opened them again, everything would be back to normal. But as she slowly reopened her eyes, the same surreal image stared back at her, unchanging and unrelenting.



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