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Hello dear Patrons! 😎

I have completed the goddesses series from my comic Andromeda. These comes with some bonus for tier 3+ that already know of that project; but I needed to make that post for tier 1 & 2 patrons: I've placed HD of these artworks in the Tier 1\Extras dropbox folder.

I'm currently reworking on their codex entries, as well as a short cosmogony of the world of Andromeda, which is kinda needed to understand what will follow in the story. It will be made as an illustrated story with a bunch of illustrations and a little text, but not too heavy.

In order:

  • Keelai, goddess of magic
  • Mantalune, goddess of creation and destruction
  • Nolita, goddess of wildlife and hunt
  • Tansa, goddess of fertility and lust
  • Melariel, goddess of storms
  • Umata, goddess of oceans
  • Anain, goddess of justice and knowledge
  • Zinya, goddess of cold and oblivion
  • Enael, goddess of dreams and divination
  • Alinem, goddess of death and spirit realm

Hope you like 💖
