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Hello dear patrons !

So there is the 5th spin off ! You can read it here  (direct link) or in the dropbox T1 folder/spin off 5.

I captured it all on video but damn I'm cursed... I'm facing another problem : during the encoding with AE, my computer freezes. I think it's not due to the cpu because it's not crashing like lights out and cpu temp doesn't exceed 60°c. So I guess it must be the RAM again so I'll run a mem test during the night and see.

So I was planing to release it along with the pages but... later then...




Already love the cover! The characters you draw always look so unique! And the women so beautiful! So all this still takes place on Andromeda? I thought Andromeda men are scrawny typically? Or maybe just compared to Human men? I love how you designed her, the sorta parted back hair-style, really looks classic/fantastical. And then the size of her breasts and nipples. I specifically like the panel that starts with "I've only gotten started but..." That back shot! And again, love the ears! It adds a certain elfin quality to it!