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  • BDz AI Timelapse.mp4



Hello dear Patrons! 😎

After seeing the tsunami of AI-generated waifu images wash over internet, and how powerful the new generation of AI text to images is; I thought "hey, why not try and train the AI with my art to see what comes out of it!" Well, here AI come 🤭

And after a few evenings tinkering, trying, failing, trying again, it's finally taking shape. The AI recognizes my boob shapes but for the painting style it's still too impregnated with the initial training, however it's slowly starting to come out, a bit more training is required.

I must says I'm quite impressed with how neat some renderings look. There are even some photo realistic renders that looks quite decent. Anyway, I created a folder in the dropbox folder Tier 1 containing a bunch of generated images, most of them untouched (with errors, glitched face/hands, etc) and some of them refined with "inpainting" and upscaled (like the ones featured in this post). 

Attached to this post is also a quick video of the inpainting process with all the generated images if you're courious about how I made one of them 🤯
(This one actually was long and tedious because it wouldn't do the legs correctly)

I still have mixed feelings about AI images, I don't consider it art even if I trained it with my own artworks. We can see that the guys who made the stable diffusion model used artist images because the program even reproduces some watermarks and fake signatures on the borders 🤣
Anyway, I will keep on trying to make it mimick my style and generating some pictures now and them just out of curiosity, because it's fun.

What do you guys think? Should I drop it or should I keep going?



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