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Hey dear patrons!

Unlike other creators I know I don't do polls that much, but today I can't make up my mind on the character for the next main artwork I'm gonna make! There's so many I want to do, I don't know which one to pick so, I'm counting on you!

I've made myself a list of popular video games and anime/comics characters, but there's also the possibility to make an original characters from my comics series. So here's a selection of characters. You can make multiple choices if you want :)

I will pick the most popular result tomorrow, and the second one for another main artwork to make later in october

[My list is much longer than this selection, this is the maximum number of choices patreon allows] You can also suggest a character in the comment section if you wish (Also name a character from my comics Andromeda in the comment section if you want)


Andrew Crosswait

Harley Quinn would be real cool. Or, and I know this isn't going to get a lot of love cuz loads of people still haven't played this fantastic game, but Jesse Faden from the game Control would be AWESOME

James Hârn

Karyn without her limiters! Love seeing your OCs.


I really thought Korra would win but in the last few hours Liara got a bunch of votes that made her take the lead! So, Liara T'soni will be the next artwork!