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Hello dear Patrons!

It looks like there was too much traffic on the dropbox, I received a notification saying the links got supended. I had to upgrade my plan and now the issue should be solved, but if you try a link and you experience an "error 429" that means the suspension is still on, the documentation says it can last 24h until lifted.

I'm deeply sorry about this inconvenience, I had no idea this could happen. I will delay the october links renewal if necessary.

(I also hope there's no leak out there!!!)



Do they offer a means of looking at the traffic statistics? It could help determine if it was just a spike due to updating the animations, or if there is a leak.


I looked for this, and I'd like to have access to the traffic data, but it appears it's only available for business plan and above, which offers way more than we need. It's frustrating to think that I should upgrade just to access this function