Shit Happened :/ (Patreon)
Hello dear Patrons !
I hope you are all doing well :)
On my end I'm doing great, except for the fact that I suffered bit of a setback this past week. My workstation had some rebooting problems, I lost a lot of time runing some tests to find out what it was (memtest86, ssd toolbox, swaped graphic card, changed thermal paste just in case, updated bios, and ultimately reinstalled windows) but found myself in a deadend. I believed it was the worst case scenario, cpu or motherboard failure so I brought my workstation to a technican to test those and he reassured me, told me that it looked more like hdd failure. The guy ran some tests and found out it was the power supply giving in. Good news yeah, I bought another one but when I got home and got the machine running I discovered that the guy fucked up one on my hdds with his tests, of course the one where I keep all my work files... and of course by the time I noticed the guy closed for the week end. So I ran a recovery tool, I was able to recover a part of the files but the latest ones have gone. Of course, those latests files are too recent to be on my backup... and to top it all the most recend files are stored physically at the end of the disk, which happens to be the damaged part. So I lost all recent files but it's okay, I can manage go get most of them back with the dropbox and gumroad. Except for Andromeda files, this is where I've lost the most valuable stuff. I lost all chapter 7 files up to the most recent files, including concepts and chapter 8 script that I finished a few days ago. It's not a major loss but still, it's really annoying. I also lost the new artwork I was working on but managed to find a recovery file in photoshop temp folder so just a few hours of do-over.
Maybe it was bound to happen sooner or later, but I have learn the lesson. I've just bought a ssd where I will keep all my working files, it'll be safer than an hdd, and all of it will be saved also on a cloud. That fucker technician will hear from me monday when he reopens.
I'm triying not to give in to anger, it is hard ! I'll spend the next days rewriting chapter's 8 script and fnish the new artwork. I'm sorry for this setback guys, but I promise I'll do my best to make decent content this month, including the chapter 8 roughts I was planing to begin right now.
Stay safe and take care :)