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Hello dear Patrons !

Here comes the BE animated morph from "Andromeda Random Character" ! Thin lines works for this ! Not perfect thought, but no ugly deformations.

Available in mp4 and gif, get the files in dropbox Tier 2 folder.

Last week, I said I would release another painting before november but I was a bit too optimistic ! I'm sorry. I'm still not finished yet ; I spend some good amount of time on sketching to have a good, working perspective and nice character poses. The linework took me a while too but it's worth it, I'm pround of the result and I'm sure the end result will be really nice.

So, to make it up I uploaded some wip stuff in advance in the dropbox : a wip gif in "Tier 1 \063wip.gif" and HR wip snaps in "Tier 2\063 folder"

I might finish it friday but I can't say for sure. I'm hosting a big halloween party tonight and I don't think I'll be available to work on this tomorrow.



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