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Annnnnd so my watercooling just broke down. It's kind of annoying but after all it doesn't really matter because I planned to upgrade my pc, (I think I told you before) but after summer. It just speeds up the process, but fucks up my summer budget... :'(
So, I won't be available to work on digtal stuff until I have assembled and prepared everything ready to paint. I should receive my hardware monday morning so it won't be long. I wanted to finish the voted picture before July, and some chapter 5 concepts but it looks like it won't be possible. Meanwhile, I'll just work on Andromeda scenario and script on my laptop.

Many things to come in July :) Be ready !


James Hârn

If youre writing a script, send it to me and I can proof it ahead of time :-)


I'd like to, but problem is, it's very messy, and written in my language. I translate it on the fly at the last moment when I make the speech baloons each time I finish a page. Sometimes when the panels are done, alternate text might come to mind because of something I didn't foresee when writing it in the first place.