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Hello dear Patrons !

I know, it's been a while since my last post, I've been away for two weeks on vacation, I'm sorry I didn't tell you beforehand !
Anyway, I'm back with a bunch of stuff ready (or almost) to publish :)

First, here is some chapter 4 concepts. You will find some landscape, characters, etc. Chapter 4 will introduce a new race, and the first villains the heroes will have to fight. You can find the files in "Tier 3\Concept" folder (they all have a "ch4" prefix).

Tomorrow or the day after I will release a POV illustration with all its related rewards (still working on it but almost done). I will also bring you a summer-themed illustration next week.

And about Andromeda, I'm currently working on the layout. it shouldn't take long and I expect to start producing pages by july 25th.




Ohh! I'm a fan of the new race! Really are making Andromeda into a top place to visit! =P Looks like Suxlu will have to deal with her oversized bust for awhile? I'm a big fan of that idea!

James Hârn

Love Suxlu's new proportions... hopefully the other girls can be persuaded to go that big too! ;-)


Yes, although her breasts will shrink a bit because of magic use, she will remain in that state for a while!


Well, I can't spoil anything but I can promise you won't be disappointed :)