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austin kutz

I believe in you


Thanks for keeping us updated


Much appreciated


Wiz be like: i have decided to provide you with no value, but dont worry i did something that gives you no value instead. I love how you disappoint me again and again but being unalbe too keep your word. FU


its fine


You are doing great! I have this narrative going in my head that you are writing two stories. One is the books. The other is this blog. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if you had finished writing all the books years ago and are just dramatically dribbling the chapters out to keep your loyal readers entertained and your monthly patreon check fat. Keep up the good work!


Any news wise one??


quietly growling in a restaurant....


I want to read next chapter 🤩👀👀


Come back to us wizzy


when the world needed him the most he vanished.


Dude is inconsistent. Great story so far. Would probably get as many subscribers as someone like First Defier who pumps out three times a week like clockwork. This stuff is better quality. Wiz needs to commit to writing to increase flow and subscribers.


Its been 4 days fam


I don't get why this doesn't have a consistent release date/time. Other authors on here don't need to give us heads up when they're posting because they release their chapters on the same days/times every week. Just pick a day and put out a chapter on that day every week. If this inconsistency keeps up I'm unsubscribing. I love the story and I'll buy the books, but I'm not paying a monthly fee for less than a single chapter a week. (which is what we're currently getting)


Just wanted to say that this a platform in which we support the people to enable them to give everyone one more of what ever it is they are creating. This is something we chose to do to help support them but this doesn't mean they have to do something daily, weekly, or monthly.


Life happens! It could be this or that or maybe Wiz doesn't feel like. I would rather get something the creator is enjoying doing than something they feel they have to do.


Have you guys went back and reread the old chapters? He made HUGE edits for flow and clarity.


I love to support authors on patron but 3 chapters in 4 weeks with more chapter announcements than actual chapters... This may have not been the right month to decide to subscribe


The wait is killing me. I need to know the conclusion to the fourth gate challenge. Please have mercy lol.


Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you, tomorrow, your only a week away!!! Hope all is good. Can’t wait to hear about this crown thingy. Be safe!


I think this is a critical part of the story. The author is wise to take his time here. The theme being built between Constantine and Michael has great potential. They both after all share the same goal humanities survival so what will be the difference between them. Constantine clearly believes humanity will be strongest under his leadership structuring humanity in a system of slavery with himself at the top. There is strength in such an approach mainly that of a unity of purpose induced by oppression. However, in the original timeline Constantine failed. He did not in the end rule or unite humanity and fractured and disunited humans we were wiped out on the seventh layer. Will Michael just be a more successful Constantine succeeding in subduing humanity under his iron boot. That likely the fastest way to power as the hellish system they find themselves in seems to favor the xenophobic, genocidal, and those willing to pursue power at any cost. Constantine seems to believe this is the only way to ensure humanities survival. Will Michael be tempted by this choice crushing humanity spirit to guarantee its survival. So far Michael seems to be challenging the system with a strategy of cooperation. He befriends the other species instead of working towards their extermination making allies of choice rather than slavery. A strategy of freedom and voluntary cooperation has the potential to be stronger but it is also far more risky. It’s dramatically more vulnerable to betrayal as a free person can choose to put their personal interest over the greater good where an enslaved thrall cannot. A strategy of Cooperation seems unlikely to be favored by the hellish system they are in which seems to encourage murder and the oppression of the weak by the strong. One wonders if challenging the system in this way will eventually provoke consequences. I look forward to seeing where the story goes from here


common enemy will unite them.. also they arent unreasonable


For a student like me, if you cant update regularly wiz, this is a big waste of money fam.


It isn't even the long delays between chapters that annoys me. It's the false updates and promises, then radio silence. Just a 'Hey all, life happening, you know how it goes. Next chapter delayed, aiming for X but no guarantees!' Not mad Wiz, just letting you know this is really not the way to treat your patrons. With 690, if I'm conservative and say you average $5 per patron, that's $3450 a month. That really should be just about enough to write full time, or darn close.


I feel like there are a lot of comments on here giving you a hard time about your updates. I just wanted to say that, for some of us at least, it's not a huge deal. Just do your best and if it takes longer than you originally thought no big. I support you because I really enjoyed your work, and that's it. I don't feel like you owe me updates or anything, they're just pleasant surprises to me.


Are you okay?


When is the next update?

Walter R.

is there any hope to get some chapters?