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Walter R.

Nooooooo! I need my chapter! 🙃


That makes sense, your trying to create a dialogue between the main good guy and his complete opposite.


How's it coming wizzy?


This is a pivotal chapter in the story and been building up to it for three books now. Take all the time you need


We all know what’s coming. Take your time boss


Can’t wait to see the vile kings fail safes. I pity the next person who has to fight micheals clone.


Hey Wiz. I rarely comment, and when I have I've been pretty critical. I stand by my comments, because at the time you were basically ignoring the hundreds of people offering you support. On the flip side, I absolutely love your story. I've read the first two books three times now, third once. I highly suspect I'm in the majority when I say I want quality over quantity. Please, keep communicating, and take as long as you need to polish your chapters. I've never read the same book three times before. You've started something special, and we're cheering for you. Keep it up, and thanks.


as someone smart says, its hard to write an about genius characters if you are just a very smart man.. But if anyone can its you!!!!