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Took a few days to handle some IRL stuff, now let's get back to writing! 


Robert jacobs

I wish you good luck with this attempt


We believe!

Dayne Mayes

Chaotic neutrals clicked on the don’t click button.

austin kutz

You can't tell me what to do


How many chapters until the title system wiz?


i treasure the world you created wiz, think you do that too. creation is tiring and worthwile every step for step. looking forward for your chaps


I'll click what I want don't tell me what to do!


Chaos is unpredictable. They may or may not have clicked on it. Order follows a pattern and is predictable based on whatever the input is. Neutral means they don't have a preference. Good and evil on the D&D scale usually means a difference between choosing selfishness vs selflessness (sacrificial paladin vs monstrous necromancer). If anything orderly evil (patterned self concerned individuals not letting themselves be told what to do) clicked the "don't click this".

ruben flores

I just put 1000 dollars in the power all instead of clicking. Don't tell me to choose an option.