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You, my Patreons, are going to create a villain that will be in the story! Vote now to have your voice heard as we create a character together!

Choose the villain's main power:



I chose metal but... think that might me too op xD. I mean creating your opponent's armor and weapons is too strong Edit: settled with electricity


Is freezing ice and burning fire any different from regular ice or fire?


Metal is clearly the most diametrically opposed to the MC. Best suited for villain boss


I went with metal too... Most of the elemental options still feel like bad picks given what we know about all the ways Micheal can disrupt energy. Not to say Metal is any better, but it is the only option that Michael would have a hard time getting close to with a sword... Well unless there are wooden swords available... Or he uses sword energy on his palm... Damn Micheal doesn't really have to worry about someone's type ability as much as he does there overall experience.

Idan tal

I just hope this will not be their main ability.. after gravity and time manipulation pure elements seems lacking ( although comparing s ranks and a secondary villain is a mistake, I just don’t see a challenge in here). Anyway after seen this I’m going to watch The legend of korra again just for the metal bending


I picked metal based on how interesting it seemed it would be to try to neutralize their powers.

Idan tal

Btw, freezing ice, does that mean “the ability to siphon heat and control of the frozen material “? Or just freezing water and controlling the ice?

Kendelle Trotter

All of these abilities could turn out to be amazingly powerful. Voted for electricity but in hindsight metal would pose the most challenge for Michael. I don't share the same concerns that a pure element is lackluster compared to say, gravity. I'm sure Wiz can design a pure element based ability to be sufficiently powerful. Hope we see Prime again this book tho I love characters who take seemingly simple or weak abilities and use them in a way that makes them extremely powerful.


Can you have us choose a personality trait as well? ;)

Tillman Holloway

There's a whole series on a metal mage on Amazon. I think electricity would be more interesting because it's an underrated ability, its almost instantaneous, it has enough heat to cook, it allows for different sub abilities like electro magnetism, sensor fields, and its Wayy cooler than already done metal and fire


I find it funny people voted for metal when we know that Michael uses swords, made of metal and currently uses glove artifacts based around, you get it, metal.