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R-a Chapter 176 (Live in editing-v1)

Some time before this…

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Yvvtal the Destroyer was bored.

Dreadfully bored.

It was the curse of being nigh-immortal.

As a member of a species that could live for centuries, or even thousands of years, it was not a particularly unusual state of being. Most Torens lived in a state of constant training and constant battle, keeping themselves entertained with an ever-increasing thirst for strength.

He had been like that once, long ago, back when he was a young Toren of merely 50 years. An innocent, naive Toren that knew naught of the ways of the world.

And, unsurprisingly, his naivety led to betrayal. A rare Magic Beast that was worth a fortune, a team of secretive ‘allies’ that cared for only themselves, deadly, Soul-rending poison in the dark of the night…

He should’ve died then and there.

But he didn’t.

And perhaps he should thank those long dead ‘allies’ of his.

After all, it was only because of them that he learned the Truth.

A large, grand castle stood atop a 1000 meter wide obsidian platform. This castle had several large towers, arcing bridges that connected them, a steep wall that stood proud and tall. It was the very picture of royalty, a fierce edifice that inspired a sense of nobility and awe.

Beyond that castle was endless, black nothingness. A void that seemingly had no end, one which falling into could cast you into a pit of eternal despair.

The Magic Core of Yvvtal’s Inheritance, the central area that controlled and stabilized the various magical Spells, creations, and dreamworlds that formed a large Inheritance. This Core had grown slightly dilapidated, the ancient Magic Yvvtal had cobbled together to create it slowly weakening with the passage of time, but it was still something to see.

Within this great castle, there was a large, grand throne-room, with towering black pillars supporting a higher arching roof and lit by several glowing white torches. A splendid red carpet led up to a raised throne, upon which a figure sat.

A Toren with a lined face and tired eyes, with golden skin slightly paler than regular Torens. His body was just as muscular and lean, still giving off a sense of vivid vitality and power.

His face was as handsome as most Torens were, but with the addition of a large, well-maintained silver beard. Unlike other Torens, he had no other hair on his head apart from his beard and eyebrows.

He was dressed in a set of loose, purple robes and adorned with a glowing necklace that gave off faint particles of energy. Everything about him bespoke a sense of royalty and might.

“My Inheritance has been opened up again, after so many years…” This kingly figure spoke aloud to himself, his voice containing hints of disinterest.

“If only I hadn’t set that stupid entrance ritual.” He sighed. In the past, rituals like that were very much expected in normal Inheritances, and he'd gone with the flow and made his a little more stringent, hoping to kill off some of his own kind with it. Now, thousands of years later, all it served was to make it very difficult for people to discover his hidden tomb.

His Inheritance had appeared a grand total of 6 times. However, the last time it was discovered was more than 1,000 years ago. He had sensed the presence of intelligent species near his tomb countless times. None of them ever managed to complete the ritual he’d set, unfortunately, even when he did what he could to lower its requirements.

“If only I had a body.” His mouth twisted slightly. He could do a great deal here, in his Soul form while he controlled the Magic Core. But the outer exterior of his Inheritance, including how to open it, was something he couldn’t change. He had formed that barrier, and much of his Inheritance, using the Divine Language that his kind had discovered, a magical tongue that was said to hold the secrets to divinity. It could only be modified by a living being.

“Perhaps I will finally find a worthy host.” Yvvtal couldn’t help himself as he sighed again and rubbed at his forehead. He frowned after a moment.

In his youth, he had searched for power eagerly, as every Toren did.

After he learned the Truth, however…

He had done everything he could to grow stronger.

When he felt that he ran into a wall, something stopping his growth, he blasted through it at full force, letting nothing stand in his path. This thirst became an overwhelming desire, one that became his very reason for living, an obsession tied to his Soul. It became a part of his personality itself.

He’d gone as far as sacrificing even his ability to feel, becoming an emotionless killer that cared little for the lives of others. Those deaths outraged others, but to him, it felt meaningless.

He was merely guiding them on their way to the afterlife a little early. His patients, as he called them, never suffered consciously and were treated quite well, even as they perished. He did not relish the suffering of others, despite what others claimed. He simply was doing what needed to be done.

To understand the limits of his body, to find out what and how he could use his Physique. To test new ways of growth, new modifications, new potions. To find the information he desperately needed.

Through that, he’d discovered a slew of techniques and powers, gained new Abilities and strength.

It was a necessary evil if he was to break past the chains that reality had cast on him. The Truth demanded it.

Society rejected him for those actions. But, given that society was bound by those same chains, he accepted that.

Alas, in the end, he failed and perished.

And now, here he was alone. A remnant of his kind, on a world his race had left behind.

“Melancholy, is it?” The words echoed out from his deep voice in the still air, carrying a hint of sadness. The emotions he had cast away had returned to him, in part, as he carried on in solitude.

Solitude that had spanned thousands of years thus far.

Despite that, his resolve never wavered.

He might only be a small, weakened version of his once-powerful self, but he would persevere.

Not because he wanted to, but because he must.

The Truth he knew would not allow for anything else.


A short amount of time later…


Yvvtal sighed once more, a habit he’d picked up, as he scanned the information a small, floating blue Orb was giving off. This was the Core Orb of this Magic Core, an Artifact he could use to control and monitor the entire Inheritance.

Several beings had finally entered his Inheritance. However, just like before, these creatures were not Torens, or of any race he recognized. They looked vaguely similar to his own kind, but were far, far weaker. It was incredibly demoralizing.

All these years of waiting, only to be disappointed once more.

After a few moments, though, a small smile appeared.

If things went like they had in the past, a vast number of other beings would soon arrive at his doorstep. Even if this new race was pitifully weak, in sufficient numbers, there was a chance for a mutation or something unique to be born within them. The previous times his Inheritance had been opened, beings visited it typically for a dozen or more years.

It was only when vast wars broke out, deadly plagues spread, or some other large scale incident took place that the numbers dropped off, and eventually vanished entirely.

“My Inheritance is growing weak.” His smile turned into a frown after a moment. If he didn’t pick an Inheritor with this set of beings, he might not get a second chance.


A short amount of time later…


Yvvtal sat upon his throne once more, a perplexed look on his face.

“What an odd… human.” He had managed to glean the name of this species from the other humans inside his Inheritance.

Only one of the humans had challenged his the King’s Challenge, the secret testing site he had to gleam for his true Inheritor and for the body he would take over.

This human was even weaker than some of the other humans. His physical power was nothing special, as far as Yvvtal could tell. The human’s Soul was strong, much stronger than that of the other humans’, but still incomparable to Yvvtal’s own.

He had talked to the human briefly, and found the interaction to be incredibly… odd.

The human believed in some clearly wild stories, just wild enough that they piqued Yvvtal’s interest.

“He’s just too weak.“ Yvvtal sighed. He could accept a host that was weak, as long as that host was special enough when it came to what he wanted. However, the human was just pitifully weak.

In his prime, Yvvtal could’ve killed him with a wave of his hand. For sure, there was something odd about the human’s body and his disproportionately powerful Soul. But how many abnormal Physiques had he seen in his time? How many mutated powers, special bodies? He had judged the forms of ten thousand Torens and found them lacking.

A unique human was unique, but that was that.

Interesting, but not enough. He would have to wait for more.

At least, that had been Yvvtal’s plan once he returned his spirit back to the Magic Core of the Inheritance.



A short amount of time later…


“His body has never used these techniques… he’s even moving Ki in the right… how did he… a perfect copy again… what…?” Yvvtal looked on at a scene of a human fighting against hundreds of Torens, and felt an emotion he had not held in a very long time.


“This should not be possible… no… how can it be possible?” He did not understand what he was seeing.

The dreamworld he had created was an extremely complex one. Not only did it integrate his understanding of various complex martial arts, one’s he’d taken up to the Master Tier, it was formed from actual soul fragments of Torens that he had experimented on.

These martial arts were ones that only he knew, in this time period, on this planet. He was certain of that. It was possible one or two of them had been leaked through other Inheritances, but that was extremely unlikely.

However… this human here…

He was perfectly replicating them.

That should have been impossible. These were not mere movements that you could copy on sight. They required an in-depth understanding of Sword Mastery, and keen familiarity with the abstract concepts behind each technique.

Yvvtal knew this better than anyone else. He had spent so many years on research, he dearly understood what was required.

And thus, what he saw before him…

It should have been impossible.

It made no sense.

After a brief moment, Yvvtal’s mind focused back on one of the wild claims the human had made.

“My body had inherited the memories and powers of a man who killed a Dragon.”

A claim he dismissed out of hand, regardless of whether or not the human believed himself to be speaking the truth. Dragons were creatures of practically holy status, carrying strength and might that reached unbelievable levels.

Even in his prime, Yvvtal never came close to defeating a Dragon that was only a half-breed, let alone a full-blooded Dragon.

Now, however…

For the first time in thousands of years, hope began to beat within Yvvtal’s long-dead heart.

“Can it be…?”

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“…How did you do that?”

Micheal’s mind began to clear as energy rushed into his body. A cool, healing Aura swarmed over him, slowly restoring him back to his peak. His vision grew steady as he looked up, his breathing returning to normal.

Standing in front of him was a new figure. A powerful, authoritative looking Toren, dressed in purple robes with a strong, silver beard. Micheal instantly recognized the figure.

Yvvtal the Destroyer.

Micheal slowly got to his feet, his movements full of grace. By now, his body had returned to normal, the huge expenditure of energy he had gone through vanishing thanks to the cool, healing power that surrounded him.

The fish had taken the bait.

Micheal eyed the legendary Toren for a moment, his eyes calm and collected as he readied himself to speak.

Now it was time to reel it in.



Idan tal

Thank you for the great chapter!

Walter R.

"A large, grand castle stood atop a 1000 meter wide obsidian platform." I find it a little strange, that here the metric system is used and in other places the imperial system (for ex. chapter 181 "These streams of energy spread out for dozens of miles, covering up an enormous chunk...". Would it not be better to use either one or the other?

Adrien Matricon

"Only one of the humans had challenged [his] the King’s Challenge" => [his] should be removed


Shouldn't Yvvtal the Destroyer refer to the humans as Torenoid not humanoid since at that he didn't know what human was?


thanks for the chapter

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Joshua Little

Only if you are reading his thoughts in the Toren language, as it is translated to English and there is no such word as Torenoid, humanoid has the correct meaning for what is being conveyed and works fine.