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R-a Chapter 174 (In editing-v1)

“What a monster…” Instructor Borbo’s voice held a hint of shock and sounded so genuine, Micheal might have thought he was a real person, as the Toren looked upon the scene before him.

It was a veritable slaughter.

In the first second of the battle…

Micheal dodged a sword slash thrust towards his head by millimeters while simultaneously leaning just out of range of a smashing kick. In the same movement, he reached out and grabbed the back of the second Toren’s knee all while raising his blade in his other hand.

He twisted the second attacker’s leg in a throwing motion, using the Toren’s momentum against him as he flipped the man forward. In the meanwhile, his wooden sword snaked out and stabbed the first Toren attacker right in the chest, avoiding the man’s sword.

The first Toren immediately collapsed, his sword flying wide, while the second Toren slammed into two other Torens that had been just about to attack Micheal. Before the second Toren could get up, however, a stabbing pain ran through his chest and his eyes rolled up, falling unconscious as Micheal blasted through one of his pressure points.

The two Torens that Micheal had downed with the throw suffered similar fates as they tried to get up, both instantly knocked back down without a chance to resist.

In a single second, already four more enemies had been taken down with incredible ease. To the onrushing Torens, it simply made no sense. Even to the watching Instructor, everything Micheal did defied logic.

He knew, better than anyone else, that Micheal’s body was not comparable in terms of strength to these attacking Torens. Even more so, the defensive prowess of his body was even worse. Torens had skin so tough they couldtank hits from Advanced Tier Sword Energy and keep going, while a simple touch of that energy would slice through Micheal like butter.

Lower level Torens had a weak spot, it was true. But that was only in the context of how incredibly tough they were.

If one compared a human wearing a full suit of nearly impenetrable armor with a human that was naked, the human with the set of nearly impenetrable armor would be vastly more powerful.

Was the armor perfect? No, it had a couple of very small holes. But compared to the human without armor, the number of weak spots was vastly smaller. Targeting them was no easy feat.

Add on tons of extra strength, regeneration prowess, and enhanced talent, and that was a good description of the Toren Race.

But despite all of that, Micheal was handing these attacking Torens like they were children.

10 more seconds passed.

The clashes of combat echoed forth, grunts of pain, thuds of weapons off of stone or flesh, cracking stone as powerful beings moved quickly.

In that time, 30 more Toren bodies were added to the pile, all knocked unconscious near the center of the arena.

Every movement Micheal made was full of grace. Instructor Borbo was at his wit’s end as he watched this, unable to reconcile what he was seeing.

Micheal made impossible dodges multiple times a second. He avoided death by the skin of his teeth over and over, causing attacks that seemed sure to hit him miss by a hair. He seemed to swim through the air itself, moving both slowly and quickly at times in fluid movements that could not be stopped.

His movements were a thing of beauty, delicate and strong in different ways. It was truly a dance, but one of death and destruction, guided forth by his seemingly omnipresent hand.

He was unstoppable.

Several times,groups of Toren fighters tried to surround him, attempting to use their overwhelming numbers to take him down in a mad rush.Each time this happened, Micheal would skillfully retreat, sometimes even flipping up through the air as he perfectly slipped through various gaps or creating his own openings with sheer skill. No matter how hard the crowd of Torens tried, theywere unable to successfully keep him pinned down.

The Torens might be a powerful race, but they, just like the Byrens, were also a race obsessed with honor and the appearance of honor. The inexperience most of these Torens had when it came to group combat targeting a single skilled foe became very clear as the battle progressed. Some of them even seemed to be waiting almost in turn for Micheal to finish fighting each foe, something that caused Micheal to snort half in amusement, half in appreciation.

As the 40th Toren’s body hit the floor, there was a brief lull in the combat.

Micheal’s breath was cool and relaxed as he took advantage of this lull to take a closer look at the surrounding Torens, analyzing everything around him. He was exerting himself, especially in such a high-level fight, but his body was strong enough that he could hold his own for now.

With his powerful Soul and current capabilities, Micheal could innately sense anyone within 23 meters of him. When he zeroed in on his senses, putting his full focus and attention into the fight, that sensation evolved into one that let him sense his immediate surroundings within battle itself.

Not only could he feel the flow of battle, he also knew exactly where his opponent’s foot would land, he could tell exactly where an axe was going to hit him, where a sword would stab.

Part of this had to do with his vast experience as a Swordmaster and his own battle experience and talent. Micheal had never considered himself a genius in most regards. He was coldly neutral when it came to gauging his own talents.

He knew he was at least somewhat exceptional when it came to training his Sword Mastery, especially as he grew to understand it more and more.

His determination was also definitely exceptional when he compared it to other people, as were a few other quirks of his personality.

However, if there was one thing he knew he did better than almost anyone else, it would have to be in regards to fighting against many foes at once.

Facing a single enemy was a unique challenge in its own right. You had to focus purely on their talents, capabilities, Abilities, and the surroundings as you dueled them. In most situations, the end result of the battle would come about based on your individual capabilities versus theirs.

However, everything was thrown on its head when you fought multiple enemies.

You had to account for their coordination, you had to account for many different levels of Abilities, of tactics, of differing strengths and weaknesses. The entire feel for a duel against many enemies was completely different from that of a duel against a single foe. They were incomparable.

In Micheal’s head, however… a vast battle like this transformed into a simple puzzle in his mind, one that merely needed to be solved, step by step.

A dozen thoughts would flash into his mind every second, each one guided by his instincts built up over the years.

‘If I dodge this attack in this way, I’ll be slightly open here. However, if I use my opponent's strike to shift my body in this way, I can turn that opening into an attack here. Then I’ll lean forward slightly here and use that attack to strike against my next enemy, and then I can create an opening to knock them unconscious there. But then I’ll need to…”

All Micheal needed to do was bring the correct pieces of the puzzle together. Under his guiding hand, each piece fit together snugly, resulting in a masterful, but simplistic, crafting of a complex battle.

In a battle like this, where there were no Abilities, there were no Artifacts, only martial arts and skill, Micheal flourished.

He didn’t pursue the appearance of grace or beauty in his battle movements. What he sought after were cold, logical strikes that achieved exactly what he needed. And it was those strikes that, somehow, ended up giving him this graceful and beautiful combat style, the most optimal route when it came to fighting large groups.

The lull in the battle vanished.

The Gods of tomorrow, arrayed in a fighting force that no human could easily match, began their attack anew. The various Toren warriors rushed forward in the dozens fearlessly, letting out blood-curdling battle calls.

And in the dozens they yet fell, conquered by a single man.

Micheal’s enemies were ones he placed at various skill levels. Some of them were well-trained beginners, while others were capable of giving him pause for a second or two, able to respond to his well-placed movements.

None of them, however, were anything close to what he considered an equal.

Still, a feeling of deep, rich enjoyment serenaded Micheal’s Soul as he fought against so many skilled enemies, enjoying this moment through to the very fabric of his existence.

100 Toren bodies hit the floor.

By now, Micheal’s breath had grown ragged. His body was superhumanly strong, but against so many enemies that all held near-divine bodies, even he couldn’t fight forever.

Still, he continued to fight adeptly, pulling out the maximum potential he could from his knowledge and experience.

He never directly blocked any attacks, instead preferring to use his enemy’s power against them, letting them throw their own forces into disarray. He danced between foes, knocking them unconscious with the speed of a slithering snake striking down her enemies.

A few times, some of the Torens had come up with more coordinated assault plans. However, all Micheal needed was a single chink in their planning, a single opening he could take advantage of.

It was after he took down the 122nd Toren that Micheal ran into the first real challenge of the battle.

Each wave of Torens was typically a haphazard rush of warriors. While their attacks came in well-disciplined, it was very clear that few of them had trained to fight in large groups, something Micheal took full advantage of. Only so many Torens could attack him at once, after all.

However, as the numbers were whittled down, one group of Torens rose to the challenge, one that caused Micheal to pause.

There were six Torens, about the maximum that could realistically attack Micheal at once. All of these Torens were of the ‘Grown’ age group, or adult Torens that had full mastery of their body.

These six Torens spread out around Micheal in a close-knit group. Instead of the mad rush that had dominated the last several seconds, these Torens forced those behind them to wait as they stalked forward.

‘Solid coordination.’ Micheal’s breath might be ragged due to strain, but he moved as graceful as he had before, keeping his attention split between all six.

All six of the Torens wielded two sets of swords, one in each hand. All of them were hunched slightly forward in a wide stance, their knees bent and their arms slightly raised. Their blades were held at perfectly equal heights and turned a little outward. Micheal’s eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this.

Among the Toren Race, there were three official ‘Schools’ of Swordsmanship that had earned themselves a certain level of prestige. The Fast Shadow Sword, the Sword Style of the Sun and Moon, and the Wavering Blade Style.

These six Torens had adopted the first stance of the Sword Style of the Sun and Moon, Rending Earth.

Micheal had always been a proponent of mixing up various techniques and styles in many different ways. He had never named his own style of swordcraft, because it wasn’t an individual style on its own. It combined hundreds of techniques and was ever-changing, adapting to any situation using his own mind.

This style of fighting was not the norm. Very few people could do what Micheal did, adapting to every battle in his own way, combining the study of thousands of different techniques and movements altogether in an instant, without hesitation.

Instead, most martial artists fought by studying a set number of techniques over and over, and incorporating them not only into their muscle memory but also into their mind. They then fell back on these techniques during battle, relying upon them to help counter their enemy and lead them to victory.

Not all warriors fought like that, but in general, a small number of techniques that a fighter practiced over and over were the bedrock of most warriors' fighting styles.

This particular stance was one built on stability, able to overcome a number of threats and react to them quickly. It would be tough to break through directly, especially when approached by six users of it. It was a solid defensive stance.

However, when Micheal saw this, the small smile on his face grew slightly wider. A feeling of anticipation filled his bones, his eyes alighting.

‘Excellent!’ This was exactly what he had been waiting for.

Micheal watched as the group steadily approached. The Torens moved step by step, keeping their full, undivided attention on Micheal. Their cautious movements gave Micheal a couple of seconds to catch his breath, something he had no intention of turning down.

Just moments before they reached him, Micheal let out a small ‘ah,’ an exclamation, as if he had just undergone a moment of inspiration.

A moment later…

He adopted the exact same stance, identical in every fashion.



ruben flores

Wow is all I can say


He adopted the exact same stance, identical in every fashion. Horse stance.. 🤣

Idan tal

Great chapter!


Please keep your money, I apologize for my posts. I read the past few chapters right in a row while in an unrelated bad mood and wasn’t happy with the current story development, but I liked your work enough prior that I was happy to pay you to continue reading. I will try to refrain from unnecessarily critical posts in the future.


I value the feedback you left, even if it was rather harshly worded. I'm going to go back and review the logical consistency of the things you brought up (namely, Micheal's knowledge of Yvvtal - the knowledge is based in the fact that the memories of Yvvtal's host were made public by researchers intent on understanding what happened and Micheal's skill in combat when it comes to large numbers of warriors that are relatively inexperienced with comprehension that can't match his, even if they are physically stronger). If you could pinpoint any things within these two concepts for me that just kill the logic for you, I would appreciate it so that I can go back and make the story a better one for you to read.