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Probably should've done an update so apologies for the silence this month, but I thought that showing some progress on this might be a bit lackluster as it's more of a 'narrative' piece compared to my usual stuff as the more is implied rather than shown.

Have to say that I really underestimate how long these 'longer' pieces take me, but it makes sense as it's pretty much 2-3 of my older style animations in one, duration wise. Think I can be faster with it tho, still working on establishing an efficient workflow for these types of projects.

As always thank you very much for the support and stay safe out there!



David Barger

Holy fuck this was hot as fuck wow great stuff


Vixen and Black Canary, amazing! Artistically very well done piece, but still sad that we don't get to see the goods. Hopefully we'll see more Black Canary down the line.


Truly hot as fuck the way it is. Only regret is I would liked to have seen one or both actually having their orgasm, even if you can’t see the goods or cumshot. I thought the blonde was getting close at 50 secs.


That was pretty good lol


Meh, disappointing. Concept is OK, but too static and far away. Needs at least one other angle, closer in, maybe from the side, to switch with. Sorry, I'm sure you put a lot of effort in.


Fun work, and its nice to see the longer projects. I do enjoy the jump edits, builds a narrative.


Really liked this one. Love static camera with jump edits in frame stuff, but that might just be me.


Love that you did something with Black Canary and Vixen. Love that you do stuff with DC characters in general. Can't wait to see what you do next. Keep up the great work.

Futa is superior

to be honest, I've always loved your work without a doubt. I'm just not a fan of car fuking because it's a really tight, cramped space where camera angles go to die. Definitely looking forward to your next work of art though!

Redd Slym

any plans for some Mutants of the Uncanny variety in the future?