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A wild Martha appears! Don't let her age fool you, she will suck the life out of you.

Really happy with how she came out and I had a blast making a bit thicker/curvy character compared to my usual stuff. Finding a fitting character for this body type in a superhero setting was surprisingly hard, I could obviously make anyone any body type, but I personally really enjoy keeping at least some sort of 'accuracy' when it comes to body types for characters. Now who else could fit the thicc body type is the question.... 🤔

Something I mentioned a few times by now is that I have quite a bit of issues when it comes to angles, posing and lighting. Compared to animation that in a way 'clicked' and I feel way more in control, these elements even with how long I've been doing this feel always out of my control so to speak. Thinking about why does it feel like that makes sense as well. I only ever really get to practice it is once a animation. To try and improve on that I think this month might be a bit different to my usual way of doing things. I'd like to try and do a pinup/s every couple of days for this entire month to basically practice and develop those three elements that I feel are very lacking compared to my animating skill. 

This should give me way more practice as I can finish them faster compared to practicing it with the animations since I can't work on a new setting/pose/lighting until I start a new animation and by that time I could've finished multiple pinups. Could also be a very cool way to showcase new characters that I am porting or will port.

As always, thank you very much for the support and stay safe out there!




Seems that not everyone here is into older ladies, but I for one will not complain if she ends up in an animation :)

Erik Eckss

very good content my friend.