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Or at least trying to ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Didn't do some futa on futa in a while and I really wanted to have a go with some spells or magic in general so here we are. Not too happy with the angle, but it is something I struggle with in general. Overall was very fun to animate this, I love doing these little transitions/readjusting which I think came out looking okay-ish. I do feel I'm getting more comfortable doing them which is great as I used to have a hard time adjusting or rather feeling confident enough to step outside of the loop box, so to speak.

On other news concerning the longer animation, I have currently finished animating the intro and the first pose which all together come around 1:30 minutes and I do plan on doing at least 4-5 more positions/poses so I am slowly starting to think I MAY have bitten a bit too much, but I'm gonna give it a go anyways as I have to start somewhere with these bigger ones.

I'm gonna follow this routine of finishing a scene for the longer project, then doing a 'mini project' like this one. It will overall slow down the bigger project but I think it might be for the better as I can still provide content for you guys, break the monotony for me and I really like having a project I have already planned out so I always have something to animate without the need to look for reference or just in general come up with something.

This month was a bit rough for me which is pretty ironic considering it's my first month of doing fulltime, but life isn't really picky when it wants to slap you around. I don't like making excuses, but the flu ( should be thankful it wasn't covid, I guess ) has hit my household pretty bad so it did hinder me quite a bit as evident of my 'productivity' for this month.

A bit of a TED talk, but I appreciate and am thankful for all the support! Feels like this is starting to be my catchphrase, but here we go. As always thank you very much for the support and stay safe out there!
