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Tried my hand this time around with a faster paced action which I always forget how much harder it is to pull off as obviously the keyframe range is very small so you can only have so much keyframes in there without it going from smooth to 'jerky' animation. Very good practice to do from time to time.

On this one I also had lots of fun with trying to set the ambient/mood for the scene in the background. I quite like Hela's colour scheme in general so I tried to go with something like that in here, which kinda turned out okay.

I'm also prepping for the next series as I think after 2-3 maybe 4 Marvel animations, we'll be moving on to either Star Wars or Red Dead as I finally got some decent models for porting. If I had to have something like a rough 'series schedule' it would currently go Marvel - Star Wars - Red Dead - Mortal Kombat - Witcher. It's not definitive, but like I mentioned a rough draft pretty much.

I'll most definitely dip in and out of series here and there, kinda like what I did with the recent Wonder Woman and Power Girl animation to spice things up from time to time while working on a specific series.

As always thank you very much for the support and stay safe out there!




YES! MK! we need more futa Sindel and futa Sonya!


nice, love how jacked Jane is! Good stuff as always :)


I'm gonna be honest I prefer the fast and rough stuff, so much more "interesting" really hope you will do more.😎

Rob Jones

The antler grab was a nice touch. I nominate these two for your first longer animation. If you do MK, please use a decent Sheeva model. I didn't really like how she turned out in MK11. Also, no Lady D on the schedule? Or OW' Junker Queen?


Potentially, but outside of Lady D, I'm not too big on Resident Evil stuff in general, so we'll see. Overwatch is another series that I don't have much interest in. Which is pretty funny now that I think about it as I don't mind the characters at all, I just don't really see myself doing anything with them. Honestly think it's just that even before I started doing this as an artist, in my 'fan' days, I've seen so much Overwatch smut as it was THE thing when SFM was getting bigger and same for the Blender boom. I just had my fill.

Rob Jones

Totally understandable. I'd just like to see your spin on it is all. And you never know ...futa OW may bring in a sub or two. Good time to try also since they have a new game out.


Wonderful as always 😍


You're not wrong, but I'd rather do something I have passion/interest for and produce a decent work than it being 'soulless' just to get on with the trend, so to speak.


Amazing work as always! Also who do you plan to use for Star Wars and Red Dead anims if I may ask? (Really excited to see both of them in your style)


Thank you! So far for Star Wars I have prepped ( for porting ) Cara Dune, Ahsoka, Ventress and Shaak Ti. Other characters that I wanna do, but still have to prepare are Aayla Secura, Padme, futa clone trooper, futa Darth Maul, maybe Darth Talon and potentially Leia. Unsure about the last 2-3 simply because of the 'timeline', but I might just go with it and smut it up. It's smut logic/magic at the end of the day. I also might, big might tho, do some alien spieces like Kaminoan, but we'll see. For Red Dead I only have prepped Sadie for porting and planned are Karen, Abigail, Molly, Mary Linton and Tilly ( if I can sort her the textures ).


Wow that's way more than I expected perfect! I really can't wait. As for Kaminoans I saw a 3d model of it used once and it looked pretty good don't know how it will work in an animation though it would be hot as hell if it happens but either way there are a lot of perfect candidates in there already so I am glad haha also I personally wouldn't mind timeline mixing it is for kinks after all it would be limiting to think about the canon so to speak :D


😍It's beautiful and fucking horny🥵 🙏thank you very much Amazonium, I love female thor's marked abdomen, I really like the movement of her tits and hips with each thrust, I loved the detail when she took Hela by the horns to fuck her harder, damn that made me horny🤤🤪🥵


LOVE the muscle on female thor!!


What software do you use?


You pretty much figured out the Golden recipe: show a buff futa dominating a woman. Lol