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Didn't end up using the WIP pose as I didn't really like the lighting/angle and the overall pose in general. I couldn't get the thrust to my liking which took me to quite a road of self reflection when it comes to how I animate thrusts. Something I noticed when I was looking at all my animations is that my thrusts aren't very good, they are very floaty with almost no 'impact' so I reached out to Nyl and he was kind enough to help me out so I spent some time trying to relearn from ground up how to do better thrusts, this animation is ultimately the result of said practice.

Think I'll do some more DC for a while longer just to give myself an opportunity to animate more thrusts when it's fresh in my mind and to try out different kind of poses before finishing and moving to the Marvel models. Something that I also plan on doing or at least trying is using Rigid's 'wrap method' of porting characters and using it with Gamora and Lady Hellbender. Think it would be really cool to switch it up in a way where I would give Gamora a good ol' big package and Lady Hellbender would be the delivery address ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

If all goes well with wrapping, I'm definitely using it for more characters that we don't have a lot of models of like Black Canary from Injustice 2.

As always, thank you for the support and stay safe out there!



Alex Hernandez

Looks great. I’d love to see some Futa Harley in the future.

Ichigo Kurosaki

This is looking great, Amazon! Thrusts are hard to get right and I think this is a big improvement. Keep practicing and we’ll keep supporting!


If you're going for Marvel maybe give She-Hulk a try as well? more green to the Pistachio cake! And with her upcoming show it would be great timing.


Oh yeah, already have a 'beta' model of her. Only I'm always reluctant to go with the 'OC' takes on existing characters that we don't have 3D models for as they are pretty hard to pull off right, but if I'm doing it with Captain Carter already, I'm definitely going for She-Hulk also.


Will probably do as I wanna practice more stuff and the DC girls are ready for animation.


Thank you! Yeah, it's one of the hardest things to pull off right when it comes to animating smut


And I think the thrusts in the last WW animation were probably the best you did until that point. If you play it in 1.5 speed it gets even better XD. Doggy style is tricky cause you really have to put pronounced weight on the thrusts but you did well.

Rob Jones

See, I liked your version of thrusting simply because it was different to Nyl. Animation allows for different styles which is half the fun. But do whatever you feel works, man. Captain Carter should be fun. Too bad you don't do commissions as I would definitely get something with her.


Maybe it's me being always too harsh on myself, but you can hardly feel any weight with my latest animations when it comes to the thrust. If anything this 'action and reaction' style was what I originally started with if you look back on my eariler animations before I started drifting into the 'float' territory around half a year ago. I do think the float style has it's time to shine over the action and reaction with certain poses, but ideally I would want to find a perfect middle ground to it. Think Rigid for example found the perfect balance to the thrust, he uses the perfect middle ground of the float and action and reaction. Hard to get it right tho. Yeah, I honestly look forward to her and Gamora a lot. Also finally found some usable outfits that actually can be usable for CC so should be fun.

Rob Jones

Yes, I can totally see what you mean. Rigid does have a very good system for that so you're def on the right track. Will be cool to see your evolution going forward! As for CC, did you create your own face for her her or was it from a model of Hayley from somewhere?


maybe double anal one day :P


Love it but wanna see more vaginal stuff as well.


Is there a chance you do some balls that "hug" instead of "hang?" Like when they wrinkle up if you know what I mean.


I'll be honest, I'm probably worrying for no reason, but I'm kinda wary about using models with real life resemblance so it's just a DAZ 'template' which I tweaked around and will probably tweak some more. I really wanted to use a Scarlett Black Widow model as I have it available, but like I mentioned, feel really wary of that stuff.


Now that would be a stretch to animate... Get it? cause it would stretch the... nvm


Yeah, I could do that. Only when they hang even a little bit they allow more space to move compared to them being 'up' when animating.


I just want a camera view from behind of that swinging nut sack!