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A bit of an update for you guys to what I've been up to. Regarding the new animation, I had to cancel it as the technical issues using the NLA editor just kept piling up and it got to a point where the animation was asking way more than it should have timewise. I spent way too much time trying to make the animation/NLA work instead of just moving on to a new project. 

I've been adamant on learning how to use NLA for a while now because the visibility it offers is great, but at this point I'm dropping it for good until it hopefully gets reworked. The basic idea of NLA is great, but with how counter intuitive it feels is just not worth the time and effort when I can get the same if not better results with manual animating or using the animation layers addon.

I didn't want to just move on to a new pairing as I do want to finish what I started in at least some sense, so I went ahead with this pose for the new animation.

On the other front, I finally watched Marvel's What if animated series and really liked Captain Carter and Black Widow in that so I started working on the models for them. My current plan is to finish this WW/PG animation, then do one more DC thing while I finish the models so I can do something with them.

I used Widow from the new Avengers game and Carter is pretty much 'OC' model as we don't really have a game model of her. Still early WIP's, but the basic gist is there.

As always, thank you for the support and stay safe out there!



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