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Still not sure how much should I actually show on these as I do believe it's good to keep you guys updated, but at the same time I feel like it can spoil the animation more or less. The transition itself wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be and overall this was really fun to animate, definitely prefer it more than doing simple loops and it's really good practice. 

Concerning the animation itself, it's 'done' in the sense that as you can see, it's lacking facial animation as I'm waiting for the VA sound file so I can animate it according to those, but everything else is finished. Still undecided if that is the ideal workflow as well, but so far I like it as it's easier to adjust the faces to voice than to do it blind and lip sync it with voice later.

I also did a second angle as I wanted to show the table shaking some more. Took some inspiration from DesireSFM for the table shakes and dishes as I really like the 'primal' way of action it conveys through not just the body moving, but the furniture that is affected by it and pair that with sound it's chefs kiss.

For the relase date, I'm aiming end of the week, monday latest. Am also planing the next animation and really want to do a threesome with WW, PG and SG but the only thing stoping me is considering how will my pc handle it without making it impossible to animate with how slow my viewport could get... We'll see, but  I'm definitely saving up for a new pc that would allow me to work on 3D better than the current one. Would save me so much trouble to work at full viewport capacity.

As always, thank you very much for the support and stay safe out there!




great stuff!!

Ichigo Kurosaki

Your work is sooo good! Thanks!

Futa is superior

Ahhh, I've been waiting for this❤ looks great👍


Sweet....... 🤤🤤


Goddamn this is looking good.


thank you

Futa Lord

In that animation preview I think maybe the breasts end up looking a little too triangular with the movement of the breasts so idk if the weight were slightly adjusted or the point of movement might give them the jiggle but stay a bit more round. I like the second angle preview. Also if you're looking for a good way to do previews I guess looking at how Nyl2 does them might not be a bad idea. I totally love stuff with supergirl/powergirl btw!


They deform that way because I moved them up from the original position they were in. The pose they were supposed to actually be in, is rotated much lower which gives them the round original deform. I'll try to round them up with either sculpting or editing the mesh, thanks for pointing it out! The thing with the way Nyl does WIP/previews is a bit different I would say as he has a lot to show because he is doing longer, now much longer stuff than before. So the material he has to show, be it different positions, angles, scenes is pretty big compared to doing shorter stuff. Glad you like it as much as I do!


Yesss, can't wait!


Fantastic, as always!