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Hello everyone! And happy new year! how did you celebrated your end of the year? I hope that you had fun and feel well!

So, first of all, I would like to apology, because lately I had too much to do and no time enough for draw, and I'm going to explain why so:
technically I have a part time job for follow the school that I'm doing right now, which is a master class for digital painting, technically are two years, but I'm gonna do just one because I wanna sign to another school for make character design for videogames, which will take me away A LOT of time, but this is an argument that we'll talk after I'll enter that school (if will ever happen), lately at work happened many terrible things, a coworker of mine called M. molested me, asking me for sexual avance and doing stuff with him, which I refused several times, in the end after a whole year of this I went straight to report it to my bosses, which actually they didn't do too much, but whatever... now this shit happened.
I had to report it to police but I didn't made it cause I thought that this would handled by my bosses but seemed not so, my fault in this, I had to handle it by my self.

About the working, lately I worked too much for what was my estimate hour for week, and this is because we ran out of people that work here, we should be at least 5 but we are 3 in this moment, because M. left the job without a warning four days ago, and I had to do a full time work for cover the job.
But why this happened? Because were already months that M. didn't worked that well, was reported too many times already and the last strike was a fake result of the covid test, which resulted positive but wasn't assigned at his name, so he missed the working days during the xmas eve (which we work a lot) and also the whole week before the new year eve, without a justification, and for this he'll pay for being disrespectful with me, my other coworkers and with my bosses.
I had to work more than the other two coworkers because I work in this place for four years, also I do speak very well english and some spanish and french as well, I am fast and I can handle the whole situation but still is too much for me, I can't do it alone.
I come back home tired that I just wanna draw sometimes for my self and no one else, I am also very behind with school stuff which I need to catch up in this week before we start the classes again... 

SO yeah, this is a whole mess, I am very tired and I'm doing my best for not disappoint any of ya, thanks again for staying here this whole year btw. I love you all, I wish ya all the best for the 2023, I hope that will turn out better for me too. 



Take your time! You’ve had a hell of a few weeks so you do you! I hope everything turns out okay dear 🥺🖤


*Offers hugs* Take your time! RL comes first! I'm so sorry all that happened to you! I hope the new year brings better times and better coworkers! *Sends Love*