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Hey guys,

Just a heads up to say there will be no post for December. This also means there is no charge for this month, so nothing to worry about! 

While we're here, I'm way overdue some updates.

Firstly, the $1 tier is now shut down. It's become clear that this Patreon pretty much exists for the story stuff. While I appreciate the few people who utilised this, it's felt a little pointless for a long while and neccessitated posting all of the artwork twice, which wasn't very unified. This should clean things up into a single update for each post.

I've added a bunch of tags to all of the posts to try and make catergorisation a little easier. Scrolling back through through two years worth of the feed can never have been fun so hopefully this helps. 

Lastly, some of you might have noticed the lack of Bako and Kory content. Unfortunately I've really  become more uncomfortable posting those two amongst the other paid-for sexual content. I do have plans to do a comic with the two of them, though when the physical time needed for such a thing works out, I cannot say. It most likely will be all free though! 

Thanks so much for your support throughout; it means more than I can ever put into nice words. See you all in the new year!




Thank you for the good year! In addition I'm looking forward to see new stuff about Bako and Kory : ) Merry Christmas and Happy New Year : 3