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Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons, 

Thank you all for your patience this past week while I've been working on this Fluffi-Fashion Commission. 

And a Big-BiGG Thank you Nicky for Commissioning this Fluffi Fashionista. :D I think this may have been the first time I've ever really drawn (outside of a comic setting) an illustration of a 'Dominant Sissy'. 

I've already started work on the next Fluffi Fashion look. :D:D:D

I hope Every-one has a Very Fluffi & Pink Weekend...

KaT ^_^

P.S. If you haven't already Voted, please have your say as to if you would like to see more individual 'Bimbo & Sissy' Accessory Illustrations: 


If you would like them to be a part of my Patreon Content, then the YES votes MUST be above 70%.



Sailor Bear Zodar

Oh, my, yes! This is a perfect design, as a switch I absolutely LOVE a dominant sissy!


Thank you SBZ, :) although I cannot take all the credit, this particular Commissioned-Character already had an established style of sorts and so I just tried to add to the look. ^_^