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Dear Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

Firstly, Thank you to Sabrina for the Name suggestion of *Sindy*. Of all the names suggested in Decembers Fluffi Fashion Suggestion Post, this Fluffi Fashionista felt most like a Sindy. ^_^

Despite it being the Winter Holiday season, I didn't really feel like drawing anything Christmassy, but I did feel like drawing a Fluffi-Sissy-Look to be worn with the cold winter weather... Why no gloves or midriff?!? Because a Sissy Helping their Dominant during the holidays should be showing at-least some skin. ;D

For this particular Sissy Look I wanted to design a pair of Cosy Multi-layered-skirt-pants (for those Sissies out fulfilling their duties of Holiday Shopping) which no self-respecting Woman or Sissy would wear, atleast not without a firm nudge from their Dominant! :D:D:D

Stay Pink, Fluffi & Safe this Holiday Season...

KaT ^_^




Well now I want ears like that for Christmas


Anytime you do a cat theme, I'm swooned!


I’m always happy when a Fluffi Fashionista can cause a swoon or two. :)