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Hi Again Pink & Fluffi Patrons...

I've just given my Banner & Tier Graphics a quick visual make-over...  I would like to give the Intro & Welcome Messages a bit of an overhaul, but I think they will have to wait until work on the PrincessVille page is complete. :)

While no details have changed, I would however like to highlight an addition to the 'TiER 5' Patron list: 

  • In the event of a Poll (Style-Theme or Similar ) ending in a Tie, then Tier 5 Patrons Will now be the ones to cast the Tie-Breaking Votes in Exclusive Follow-up Polls.  

(However this does NOT apply to Contest Polls).

The Biggest Change are probably the Tier Names:

Tier 1 is Now Labelled as the *Fluffy* TiER.

Tier 2 is Now Labelled as the *Bubblegum* TiER.

Tier 3 is Now Labelled as the *Glitter* TiER.

Tier 4 is Now Labelled as the *Lollipop* TiER.

Tier 5 is Now Labelled as the *Princess* TiER.

Stay Pink, Fluffi & Safe... :)

K@T ^^



Nice designs for the tiers. I like how you made them as name tag necklaces. I also think you did great choosing the unique fonts.


Thanks STL, choosing the fonts was definitely the hardest part, I spent several hours just switching through and testing fonts & colour combinations for each one.


I know just how tedious that is to do, it's probably what took the bulk of my time when I was working as typesetter for ad agency. Although we were limited in font selection in those days. Companies that hired us often times were clueless of just how diverse fonts can be, even from the same family of fonts like Helvetica. A slight difference can make a huge impact on an slogan or headline with limited ad space. It was challenging process. On rare occasions I even altered font styles to get them to fit within the constraints of the space available to me.


It is funny how little changes to a font, (whether its a little flick at the base of a letter or the curved edging of a 'P' or 'R' line not quite being thick or thin enough for the desired effect) can make a huge difference. I think my font library is currently has between 600-800 fonts (although I tend to go back to the same 20-30 fonts most of the time), so I dread to think how many fonts you had to work with and sort through at times in your library, what with being an actual Professional typesetter.