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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

I'm currently working my way through the refined line-work for the upcoming PrincessVille Comic Page.  

Last night I finally managed to work through the whole 'forgetting how to draw thing', after an All-Nighter Drawing session... So Yay for remembering how to draw. :D

I feel this might be the first PrincessVille comic page scenario where I really wish I had at-least another 2 or 3 frames to work-with, in order to include all the aspects I would like, within this scenario... 

Pink & Fluffiness

K@T ^^



Green Sea

I mean besides the extra time and work it would take wich are very fair reasons there's nothing really stopping you, also I know the pain of forgetting how to draw and yeah it does suck a fair bit so cheers for remembering!

Mika W

Can't you have 2 or 3 more Frames? :-) Just asking.


Even though like to preach "less is more", there's nothing really stopping you from adding more story, interesting thing is it doesn't need to be all on one page. You're allowed to improvise and you know break it up into two pages or whatever. Don't limit yourself if you feel like 2 more frames would make the whole thing 100 times better.


You and Seamus raise a very good point Mike. In my mind I'd limited each page to 6-8 frames, but there's no reason I couldn't add another 2 frames. Hmmm...


I couldn't break this one up into 2 pages, But... You, Seamus & Mike are right, there's no reason I can't add another couple of frames. In my mind, I'd wanted to limit to the frames within a normal pages proportions, but there's no reason it can't been a outside of a normal pages proportions.


Two pages would give you more room and allow the frames to be bigger, which in turn give you more chat bubble space. But I completely understand you want to make it a concise one page comic.


If I do decide to extend this page to 10 frames, I think it will be a rare occurance, as I always intended 8 frames to be the maximum amount for telling these PrincessVille Stories. This scenario inparticular should work well as a single flowing page sequence. :)