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Dear Prissy Flouncy Pink & Bouncy Patrons...

I hope everyone is staying wrapped up cosy & warm as this Winter Weather seems to be hitting its peak, I'm currently typing this as the snow continues to fall for the 6th straight hour this evening. :) 

I do Love Winter, but I know not everyone is bundled up as cosy as I am, so everyone please do stay safe in this weather. :)

Progress with the Ballet/Wedding-Night Pin-Up is coming along nicely, I'm still working on what is usually one of the longer stages of my images. Which is finding places & placements for all the little & not so little details to be included within the image. 

Pictured above is the initial sketched look of the Characters (accompanying) 'Doll'... Hmmm, maybe a few more layers of petticoats. :)

Pink & Fluffiness

K@T ^^



Mr bango

As long as those lips are impossibly huge... I'm sure it'll be grade A amazing as always 😍😍😍


Lil' Doll looks cute...nice teaser image. EXCITED!


*Looks at Notes*... 'Extra Plump Soft Pink Lips' will very likely be included. ;)


Every Pin-Up Character HAS TO HAVE their own Doll. :D Hmmm... I should come up with a name for them, they can't be 'Barbie Dolls' for obvious copyright reasons... Maybe 'Kitty Dolls'?! I'm happy you're excited Send the Love. :)


'Kitty Dolls' sounds a bit anthropomorphic. I would just market them as 'KC Dolls' as in KatsCandy Dolls. You can even go as far as creating packaging with KC Dolls label.


Ben, I'm sorry to say this image does not have a chastity cage. It does have ribbons tied around the sissys pee-pee, but no cage.


I did reply to your comment last night, but with Patreon carrying out their maintenance thingy's, it didn't seem to stick. :( I feel KC dolls sounds a little bit too much like a Brand instead of potential illustrative character icon, so to speak. Granted teh character is no Pepper or Miss Kika, but I like the idea of one one appearing is a majority of my images. Obviously they could be called 'Kaycee/ Kacey Dolls', but I'm not really in love with the name 'Kaycee/ Kasey'... Hmmm?! I will have to try and come up with a suitable name for them. :)


I'll be honest, KC Dolls doesn't sound all that great, and yeah I agree about the band reference. I too thought about the Kacey/Kacee/Kasey name and just like you I'm not sold on it. I guess it's going have to be a work in progress and the right name will come to you.... eventually. 😉