BiMBO:: HUMAN-PET-TRAILER-TRASHY-PUPPY (Work-In-Progress 02) (Patreon)
Here's the Second of the Work-In-Progress Images for the *Human-Pet-Trailer-Trash-Puppy Bimbo Pin-Up*...
There's still a LOT of work I have to do for this image, as there's some parts I like and others which I'm not 100% happy with.
I spent two and a half days taking the Character-Line-Work in one direction, only to decide to go back to the Original Line-Work.
I'm also still trying to come up with suitable Tattoo Designs for the character, but in my head I feel like I have to provide the character with a substantial backstory for the the tattoo's to have context... (Maybe I'm over-thinking things). ^^
So over the next few days I will be Re-Working the Image & Finalizing the Line-Work for this Character, so the image will be ready for the Proper Colours... :D
(The Image 'Above' was an attempt to use a more freehand colouring style test, it' came out 'ok', But it's NOT working for me personally on a visual level)... And, Just to allay any fears... 'NO', a Final Hair Colour has NOT yet been decided. I just needed a varied (and Dull) colour for the Hair-Shape test. :)
I hope everyone has an Amazing Weekend. :D
Pink & Fluffiness
K@T ^^