Quick Update:: (Patreon)
I just wanted to write this quick post to let you all know that I will be posting the *(Freebie) SiSSY NAME QUiZ* First within the next day or two.
The Reason for this is because, after posting the End of the Month Messages I realised I mixed up my timetable days (as the calendar I have on my wall is one of those annoying calendars which has 'Sunday' marked as the beginning of the Week)...
So Short-story even shorter, I knew I wouldn't be able to achieve a suitable stage of the Pin-Up Process to post a 'Progress-Image' of the *BiMBO HUMAN-TRAILER-TRASHY-PET-PUPPY* Pin-Up before the end of the week.
So instead I will be posting the *(Freebie) SiSSY NAME QUiZ* This Week & then Jumping straight back into work on the *BiMBO HUMAN-TRAILER-TRASHY-PET-PUPPY* Pin-Up.
My Apologies for any inconvience... :-s
Pink & Fluffiness
K@T ^^