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Finally book four is here! It covers chapter 30 till 40 and has over 200 pages.

Manager Cookies old Combagl Freydar is here for revenge. she challenges the Comabagals Muko and Kalita for a fight against her own mysterious tagteam... If Cookies team wins they can earn their right to find the Tendonchi Champions and win a big amount of money to pay their debts... But if they lose they have to leave town!
Will Cookie decide to risk it all? Read and find out!

Printing costs a lot of money. I´d be glad that if you like this comic you support me by buying either the print or pdf of FFC.

All books for 40€ in print each, or for 10€ as pdf-files.
Send a note with your shipping adress and e-mail if you want to purchase your copy of FFC!

Thanks for your attention and have a great day!




Congratulations on reaching the fourth volume.


it exists in paper format ?