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That essay is a good read!








That's quite a take on some criminals. Too bad Cookie's selling point is underwhelming when her bad reputation and her short stature come into play once again.

Powell to the people

I'd so fire her the hot instant she finished her speech for the disservice she's doing to both sides. Bigots have for long conflated the higher number of financially motivated crimes with the idea they're more dangerous criminals on the merit that they're a destitute minority. Man I wish Patreon would have solved being able to write in paragraphs by now... Social discrimination can lead some to play into a stereotype which is independent of crimes motivated out of financial necessity. That is neither innovative nor creative as it plays into the instinct of flight or flight. A contemporary example of this are American Samoans, who're not citizens, but mere nationals of America and have to naturalize themselves if they wish to vote or get elected, all the while as sumo wrestlers Japan welcomes them with open arms. What Nyarai could strive for in such a society is the acceptance as a wrestler and as a person might come later. I say might, because Japan has recently and openly admitted that the high level of racism and xenophobia actually gravely impacts their economy.