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Made some wings as I mentioned in a recent post. Made 5 actually and I decided to share them now cause they're done so why the heck not.

The Triple Darner Wings:

They come in 15 swatches. If your sim's butt is too large it will clip with the wings.

Next we have the Plumbob Wings:

Again, these come in 15 swatches (the mood colors basically).

Next there is the Butterfly Wings:

15 swatches again and so obviously hand drawn with a mouse in a 2D editor.

The Crystal Wings:

30 swatches for that one.

And last but not least, the heaviest thing I've ever made (here you can see/get the rest of the set: https://www.patreon.com/posts/treefish-mermaid-43137151). Seriously, it's heavy. 

Don't go hoping to play with that using a potato plugged to some cheese whiz buttered knife cause it WON'T WORK! (I tried)

The Root Wings:

Only 5 swatches for this one cause they use the same texture map as the lil head crown I made to go with the tail.

Seriously, you can play with it, I was joking with the potato thing. My old crappy laptop can handle it, so can yours! It may scream all the way and beg for mercy, don't listen, it don't know!

All 5 are disabled for random and enabled for both frames (adults only). All base game and found in skin details. I really enjoyed making them so I might (oh yeah, definitely) make more in the future.

Now, I plan to take a full month of vacation from meshing (all of July) to recharge the ol creative bank so I will pause the upcoming billing cycle.

I am not going anywhere, I'll still be here just not really meshing and it wouldn't be fair to charge people for that.

In the meantime you can expect more custom content for the rest of June. Dunno how many, but more for sure :D

That is it for now. Beubye and good night!



Those are super cool! I'm not really a wing person but now I wanna make some sims to use these. ^^ Also, can I ask for a request? :o


Kinda like the tail I requested last year (which I still love and use btw) these wings watch it. https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/6/29/926150.png https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/6/25/923645.png https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2015/6/21/921158.png https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2018/10/8/1851506.png I imagine they'd be 2d or mostly 2d as they're like fins.


XD made them when I woke up this morning and then I took the time to test it and all and only THEN I asked you