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Hey everybody!!

I made wings.

Now what? 

What you think? You like?

How many should I make? I have so much inspiration and I am ready to make all the wings I wanted but never got in game!

What you think about the announced pack? OMG LLAMMAAS?? And Bunnies?? And lil chickn's and COWS!! I am so ready to be heartbroken again when all of that is bugged I can't wait for all those mods I need to get updated XD

Anyway, here's a pic of my 2 wings made right now. 

They are semi transparent, you can't see it very well but they are.

Perfect for my fairy household :D

Ok gotta go now, we don't have clim and it's been almost 40c all week with like over 9000 moist and I cannot bear to be near my laptop for too long as it gets HOT.

Gotta try to make more stuff today and maybe share something sometime this week :D

Kay bye! 



New pack looks fun yeah! I like the idea of wings!