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I made changes to my Patreon tiers. Basically I added a 1$ tier for those who wanted to support me but thought 3$ was too much for what I do AND I also added 2 perks (that existed already) for my 3$ Patrons.

** Basically nothing changes. You can get my stuff for free still and/or show your appreciation of what I create by choosing one of the 2 tiers. Or not, you can still download for free and change nothing :D **

What changes?

I simply add a 1$ tier and write down/explain the perks for my 3$ tier Patrons.

The perks for the 3$ tiers are as follow:

My 3$ Patrons get the priority for my to do list and ideas. If it's doable, if I have the skills to do it, I'll do it. There is a possibility that I do not possess the skills to do this and that tho, keep that in mind; I mesh for fun, because I like it. Not as a job as I am not allowed to work due to health concerns :9.

My 3$ Patron can, if they demand it (or if I see one Patron really really likes one custom content I am working on I'll propose it anyway) get a (I guess) beta version of the custom content I am working on. They can also request pictures of work in progress before I share them publicly (if I am doing something new that they didn't see before because if not, what's the point?)

Why the change?

I've received some requests to do that. Not a lot but enough to make me think it would be a good idea for change.


So that's that. Hope everything made sense. 

I also wanted to share a sneaky little wip pic of my latest great idea (for a V2 of one of my new tails)

Thought it was hilarious.

Kay so byyye love yall ♥♥♥


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