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Sorry, it's been a few days without news, I know! 

I have been (mostly) doing work on some CCs I've been asked for and it's doing 1/3 well right now. What I mean is there was originally 3 pieces and 2 of them are fighting me hard and I am maybe giving up on them (the 2 hard to get). 

Also my husband has been bed sick for the past few days so I wanted to take care of him as he didn't go to work (to our kitchen table on his work laptop but still).

And finally one of my pets is dying. A rat. She's been suffering since last tuesday. She won't drink or eat much (worst part is she has appetite but it looks like it hurts or something... She lost so much weight we feel her bones and all...), she's coldish to the touch, she's way more affectionate than usual and she rarely leaves my side anymore (I mesh with her on my thigh). Her sisters are the same age (well one is a tad younger) and they are not sick at all and she won't even let them clean her or cuddle. 

Except for today; for some reason she was more active and decided to sleep near them today.

Blergh, I am sorry for all of the lateness and sentimental crap, I'm just very nervous and sad and talkative is what I become in these situations. 

Here have a pic of my beautiful girl Husk (the other two are under the blanket).

Ok, I'm planning to go back on my tail set soon!

Byyyeee! ♥♥♥



So sorry to hear about your rat <3