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I am probably not gonna be able to share stuff for the next weeks (really hard to do from where I am gonna be) so I paused my Patreon page. I am truly sorry but this time I will need more than just a week off. My health is really bad these days and everything hurts. 

To my 3 patrons, I'll completely understand if you wanna unpledge. Please know that I appreciate the time you spent for me. 

I wish to come back as soon as I can but for now, Valerie out.

Bye ♥



Goodness, I hope everything will be fine for you soon! Get well soon ❤️


I'm not a patron (yet, money is tight) but always take as much time as you need to! I'm sure people will understand that you have to put yourself first and everyone needs to take regular breaks, including from their favorite hobbies. I hope you feel better soon and don't worry about us! :)


Also, I'm super sorry I didn't respond sooner. I just haven't been on Patreon in awhile. No rush, take your time, and best regards. 💖