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Still working on my Dragonair inspired tails and hit a very hard EXTRA THICC brick wall. IT'S NOT GOING WELL D:

The orbs and wings are all trashed, I got them right at some point but I "adjusted" them and forgot to save as a different package and now they all wonky and shit I'm gonna cry ::::(((((

Still working on some turtle inspired tails too, these are going well (thanks to @MizoreYukii who guided me to a great tool) but I kinda just started so I didn't try in game yet.

Also started working on 2 other tails at the same time (secrets for now).

So yeah, I'm not posting super often but I'm doing stuff :D

Getting late for today so, night night peeps!



Whoops! That's a painful mistake but an easy one to make. Definitely put Dragonair on the back-burner and work on the rest until you feel like tackling the little orbs and wingies again. (Which I presume you already are but I'm just saying so you know there's no pressure.) 😅