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Ok so. First of all, don't panic, there's nothing to worry about XD

Second. I wanted to take a moment to thank you all. I recently got a Patreon boom and nothing could warm my heart more than to have a concrete proof that some people are liking what I do. It means a lot more than I thought to visually see more and more people liking my stuff and to be honest, I had no words.

My stuff will always be free. A.L.W.A.Y.S. Period. Knowing that people are willing to support me for what I already do for free... I am not an emotional person, well I try to, I have to, but it got to me (seriously I cried like a baby).

This brings me to my next point. If you have read my bio up the page you know that I am sick. this means there are periods when I may not be able to post for a while, especially if I have to go away to the hospital. I'll always try to tell you when I feel less alright and worst case scenario; my husband will post something here himself.

I just thought I had to do the responsible thing and tell you all frankly (Tired A-CAPITAL-F of some creators who just vanish without telling their Patreons but continue to cash up, seriously?!?)

If I did not post without any words that I am okay for 4 consecutive weeks, just unpledge and save your money. 

Thank you all so much.

On a more positive note, thank you for reading till this part, I have several (again) mermaid related things coming this way soon. 

Love y all!


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