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"Moradin" is just a way for us to track our release ! Module version v0.4.3 for FoundryVTT

Dear patrons !

As amazing as Unreal Engine is, we've had a few problems with rendering the assets correctly and that makes it impractical if we don't find a solution.
The alpha channel for transparency doesn't take the bloom into consideration and we end up having to use a 'green screen' method which makes the whole workflow complicated, inefficient and the results are not great.
We published a post in the Unreal Forums. Unfortunately, it seems that our issue is very specific and nobody knows the answer or hasn't replied yet. If you know about this or know someone that might be able to steer us in the right direction, please let us know !
Here is the forum post in question : Unreal Engine Forums Post
After two weeks of trying different methods and searching everywhere for answers, we're sad to say that we have to step away from Unreal until we find a suitable method.
In the meantime, here are some spike traps with varying animations and half a dozen planets that we think look cool ! All of the animations were made in Blender and almost all of the planets are procedural. (computer generated rather than texture-based)
And as always, some Patron requests that were made via Discord and from Patreon messages.
We're ever so grateful for all your support and understanding ❤️
We'll let you know, of course, how it progresses on the Unreal Engine front.

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Contents of the release

Different combinations of spike traps ! Coming out of the ground or side-walls, with the base or without, with a still-frame of the holes or the base so you can overlay the spikes only and in three different sizes(05x05ft, 10x05ft, 10x10ft)
There should be plenty enough to keep your rogue players on their toes in many different situations... 😏

NOTE : Tokens and texture assets used in this post to create the map are from "Forgotten adventures". See their Patreon page for more ! 

And seven different planets. Some with atmospehere, some without (with some that can be moons/satellites of course but that's up to you !).
We looked at making other celestial bodies. We have a pretty nice-looking quasar but animating it proved a bit difficult and the volumetry made the render very long.
An asteroid field would be nice as well. We probably will make each asteroid on their own so that you can create different asteroid fields and it will make it possible to seamlessly loop.
For the asteroids to have different speeds of rotation and two axis of rotation, it makes it near impossible to loop as a whole. 😅

And some gifs from all the patron requests (only a selection, see the Asset Viewer or the patchnotes to see all of them):

Link to the Master Post

Link to the Token Animator Download Post (Epic and above only !)

Additional links

Stay awesome, stay safe.
Jules&Ben 🖖


Thompson Plyler

You might try asking in /r/gamedev or /r/graphicsprogramming The latter, in particular, tends to have a higher level of expertise from its frequent posters, and I've found there's a a lot of collective experience there than, say /r/unrealengine or /r/threejs.

Griffon Walker

Looks related but requires a unreal engine code change? https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/issues/14104


I have to say, finding that the Asset Library gives you the line of coding you need to change out for the weapon/asset you want to do... IS AMAZING! Makes this non-coder's life so much easier!!! Now...if only I can get that Spirtual Weapon as a Quarterstaff... LOL If it's possible to do now by changing coding. Let me know and I'll pop into Discord. :)