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"Si tan solo fuera más joven" pensaba el viejo, que al final decidió empujar con fuerza su miembro contra el ano del pequeño Marcos, quien comenzó a gritar de dolor.

"Ssssssh vas a despertar a Saul" dijo el viejo sonriendo, mientras tomaba por la cintura al osezno, halándolo hacia él, hasta que...

*PLOP* el nudo del viejo entro totalmente, para después expandirse aún más dentro del ano del chico, quien gritaba y pujaba intentando sacar aquello.

"Es muy grueso, muy grueso" pensaba Marcos mientras gritaba, pujaba y empujaba con sus piernas intentando sacar al abuelo de dentro de él.

Pero todo esfuerzo era inútil, el enorme nudo del viejo se había expandido completamente dentro de su pequeño ano, y la única forma en la que saldría seria hasta que este se encogiera por sí solo.

"bueno, ahora a dormir" dijo sonriendo el viejo, mientras veía al pobre Marcos moviéndose y jadeando.

"abuelo?" una voz a sus espaldas, dentro de la casa de campaña se escuchó tenuemente.

*TSK* los dientes del abuelo sonaron, "se despertó" dijo entre preocupado y molesto.

"abuelo, donde estas!?" dijo Saul al verse solo en la tienda, para ponerse después de rodillas y comenzar a llorar, "abuelo donde estas!?" gritaba el chico asustado.

El viejo anudado aun al chico solo se quedó callado pensando que hacer, si responder y hacer que Saul fuera a la tienda donde estaba el y esperar que el chico guardara este nuevo secreto, o quedarse callado y esperar que Saul volviera a quedarse dormido...


"If only he were younger," thought the old man, who finally decided to push his member hard against the ass of little Marcos, who began to scream in pain.

"Ssssssh you're going to wake up Saul," said the old man smiling, as he took the bear cub by the waist, pulling him towards him, until...

*PLOP* the old man's knot entered completely, later expanding even more inside the boy's ass, who was screaming and pushing to get it out.

"It's very thick, very thick," Marcos thought as he yelled, pushed, and pushed with his legs trying to get the grandfather out of him.

But all effort was useless, the old man's huge knot had fully expanded inside his small ass, and the only way he would get out would be until it shrank by itself.

"Well, now to sleep," the old man said smiling, while he saw poor Marcos moving and panting.

"Grandpa?" a voice behind him, inside the tent was heard dimly.

*TSK* Grandpa's teeth clicked, "he woke up," he said between worried and annoyed.

"Grandpa, where are you!?" Saul said when he found himself alone in the tent, to got down on his knees and started crying, "Grandpa, where are you?!" the scared boy yelled.

The old man, still tied to the boy, just remained silent thinking what to do, whether to answer and make Saul go to the tent where he was and hope that the boy would keep this new secret, or remain silent and wait for Saul to fall asleep again...



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