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Marcos pensó que lo mejor era contarle una mentira al abuelo de Saul, ya que una promesa es una promesa y aunque le haya contado a Saul eso no significaba que tenía permitido contarle a todo el mundo como si nada.

"Oh si!, el líder ben me enseñó a destripar los pescados y a cocinarlos, pero no me gustó mucho, además no podía decirlo porque se supone que no se nos es permitido tomar cuchillos o navajas, y esa vez el líder Ben me dio su navaja", dijo Marcos mirando al abuelo.

"entonces lo que hiciste esa noche... fue cortar pescados y cocinarlos?" pregunto el abuelo un tanto decepcionado.

"SIP" dijo Marcos sonriendo.

El abuelo suspiro y el resto del camino se fue callado, con un gesto notoriamente molesto.

Al llegar los chicos se iban a poner a ayudar al abuelo, pero este se negó, y en cambio los mando a jugar por ahí donde no estorbaran, mientras el colocaba las casas de campaña y preparaba todo.

"sí gusta yo puedo ayudar y le puedo decir a Saul como..." decía Marcos cuando el abuelo lo miro molesto.

"váyanse a jugar, que ha eso vinieron, o no?" dijo con voz severa.

Marcos bajo sus orejas y se alejó con Saul, ambos fueron a sentarse en el pasto viendo hacia el lago, callados y quietos.

Unos minutos después y aun molesto el abuelo vio a los chicos ahí tristes, chasqueando los dientes se acercó a la camioneta y saco de ella un balón, el cual les arrojo, la pelota llego hasta ellos extrañamente mojada por el suelo húmedo.

"Jueguen con eso" dijo mientras se daba la vuelta y continuaba colocando el campamento.

Ya cuando estaba por terminar el viejo sintió un tirón en su cola, y al voltear a ver vio a Saul de cuclillas tras de él.

"que pasa?" pregunto el viejo.

"abuelo, allá todo el pasto esta mojado, podemos ir a otro lugar?" pregunto el pequeño.

"No hijo ya coloqué todo, jueguen así" dijo el abuelo mientras caminaba con su caña de pescar rumbo al lago.

"Pero abuelo nos vamos a mojar las ropas y.…" decía Saul cuando la mano del abuelo se reposo en su hombro.

"mira hijo si no se quieren mojar pueden jugar en ropa interior o desnudos, de acuerdo, yo voy a pescar" dicho eso el viejo zorro continuo su camino y se sentó a orillas del lago.

Momentos después escucho a los chicos riendo y corriendo tras de él, al voltearse vio a ambos jugando con la pelota en ropa interior, lo que le molesto aún más, pero decidido no decir nada y continuar su pesca.

Las horas pasaron rápido, los niños siguieron jugando y la pesca no era fructífera, lo que molestaba al abuelo el cual termino dejando la pesca y llamo a ambos chicos y al ver su ropa interior mojada él les dijo que...


Marcos thought that the best thing to do was to tell Saul's grandfather a lie since a promise is a promise, and even though he told Saul that didn't mean he was allowed to tell the whole world as if nothing had happened.

"Oh yes, the leader ben taught me to gut the fish and cook them, but I didn't like it very much, besides I couldn't say it because we are not supposed to take knives or razors, and that time the leader Ben gave me his knife," said Marcos, looking at his grandfather.

"So what you did that night...was cut fish and cook them?" asked the somewhat disappointed grandfather.

"Yep," said Marcos smiling.

The grandfather sighed and the rest of the way he was silent, with a clearly annoyed gesture.

When the boys arrived they were going to help their grandfather, but he refused, and instead, he sent them to play somewhere where they would not get in the way, while he placed the tents and prepared everything.

"If you like, I can help and I can tell Saul how..." Marcos said when his grandfather looked at him annoyed.

"Go play, why did you come here, or not?" he said in a stern voice.

Marcos lowered his ears and walked away with Saul, both of them went to sit on the grass facing the lake, quiet and still.

A few minutes later and still annoyed, the grandfather saw the sad boys there, snapping his teeth, he approached the truck and took a ball out of it, which he threw at them, the ball came to them strangely wet from the wet ground.

"Play with it," he said as he turned around and continued to set up camp.

When he was about to finish, the old man felt a tug on his tail, and when he turned to see, he saw Saul crouching behind him.

"what's happening?" asked the old man.

"Grandpa, all the grass over there is wet, can we go somewhere else?" asked the little one.

"No son, I already put everything, play like this," said the grandfather while he walked with his fishing rod towards the lake.

"But grandfather, we're going to get our clothes wet and…" Saul said when grandfather's hand rested on his shoulder.

"Look, son, if you don't want to get wet, you can play in your underwear or naked, okay, I'm going to fish," said the old fox continued on his way, and sat down by the lake.

Moments later he heard the boys laughing and running after him, when he turned around he saw them both playing with the ball in their underwear, which annoyed him even more, but he decided not to say anything and continue his fishing.

The hours passed quickly, the children continued playing and the fishing was not fruitful, which annoyed the grandfather who ended up leaving the fishing and called both boys and when he saw their wet underwear he told them that...



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