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Marcos se vio con desconcierto como se alejaba el Lider Ben, realmente no entendia si habia echo algo malo, por lo que penso que lo mejro seria dejarl solo e irse a buscar los recursos necesarios para el campamento, asi junto muchas ramas, algunas bayas e incluso hongos comestibles, y cuarenta minutos despues iba de regreso al lugar de acampada, y ahi encontro al lider ben dormido y entre sus piernas un pene aun mas grande que el de antes y un liquido extraño saliendo de su pene, Marcos se acerco a Ben y...

Marcos was confused as Leader Ben left, he really did not understand if he had done something wrong, so he thought it would be best to leave him alone and go find the necessary resources for the camp, so he gathered many branches, some berries and even edible mushrooms, and forty minutes later he was going back to the camping place, and there he found the leader ben asleep and between his legs a penis even bigger than the one before and a strange liquid coming out of his cock, Marcos approached Ben and...



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