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Marcos le dice que todo esta bien, al escuchar esto Ben sonrie y continua hablando, sin percatarse que marcos le ve discretamente, Entonces Marcos escucho a Ben lamentarse y caminar al lago donde toda la ropa esta mojada, pero como pudo pasar eso pues el la habia dejado alejada del lago. Mientras Ben se cuestionaba esto Marcos miraba la escena algo nervioso, pues el habia movido la ropa. si el decia esto Ben podria reprobarlo nuevamente por lo que Marcos....

Marcos tells him that everything is fine, hearing this Ben smiles and continues talking, without noticing that Marcos sees him discreetly, then Marcos heard Ben lament and walk to the lake where all the clothes are wet, but how could that happen because he had left far from the lake. While Ben questioned this, Marcos looked at the scene somewhat nervously, since he had moved his clothes. If he said this Ben could fail him again so Marcos....



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