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La jornada de trabajo termino y ambos llegaron cansados a la casa.

"Me iré a dar una ducha muchacho, no quiero que me tomes oliendo mal" dijo Demetrio mientras salía de la habitación,

Simón lo miro sonrojado y salió tras de él, "en ese caso permítame acompañarlo también", ambos sonrieron y se dirigieron a un pequeño riachuelo cerca de su vivienda.

Al estar en el agua lavándose Simón comenzó a recordar a su familia, y comenzó a ponerse triste, veía al viejo Demetrio "eso será mi futuro?, envejecer en este lugar como el, en solitario" pensó mientras frotaba el agua en su pecho.

Demetrio se acercó y se sentó aun lado de él, después bajo su mano y comenzó a frotar su miembro con su mano, Simón lo miro sorprendido y sonrió tiernamente.

"Supongo que el esperaba más este momento que yo" pensó y dejo que el viejo frotara su entrepierna su abdomen y pecho, y luego se dejó llevar con las caricias del anciano que sin lugar a dudas sabía lo que hacía.

El pene de Simón palpitaba como loco, estaba al punto y no podía ni quería resistir más, deseaba con toda su alma penetrar al mastodonte aquel.

Y sin esperárselo o pensarlo se encontraba en un baile de besos y caricias con el hombre aquel, sus manos se deslizaban en la enorme espalda del viejo toro, apretaba con fuerzas los duros glúteos, mientras las lenguas y hocicos de ambos se entrelazaban en un juego de pasión voraz. Al igual que Simón, Demetrio apretaba las nalgas de Simón, se aferraba con fuerza de su espalda para después apretar su cuerpo contra el de él, haciendo que ambos sintieran el pulso alocado de sus corazones al batir de la batalla.

La puerta de la casa se abrió con tal fuerza que uno de sus goznes se venció y la puerta callo inclinada, pero eso no importo, ambos amantes se dejaron caer en la cama y se revolcaban acariciando sus cuerpos.

"Ya dámelo ya!" jadeo Demetrio mientras se volteaba quedando sobre sus cuatro extremidades.

"Simón sonrió y beso la espalda del viejo toro, y llevo la cabeza de su pene a la entrada del toro quien jadeaba extasiado, entonces con un ligero escupitajo, Simón comenzó a empujar su miembro contra el ano de Demetrio, hasta que este cedió ante la presión, y el toro lanzo un grito de placer y dolor, sus piernas temblaron y sus entrañas se sintieron tan llenas como hace tanto tiempo, el Toro se deleitaba en el placer de las arremetidas del dragón, tan fuertes y bruscas que le recordaban al abuelo de Simón, y sonreía y recordaba los buenos tiempos.

Las horas pasaron y el viejo aunque quería seguirle el ritmo a Simón, era simplemente imposible para él, ya no era el joven de 16 que servía a los deseos de un dragón de 46 y uno de 23, no ya no era joven a sus 67 años ya las fuerzas le fallaban y su culo había llegado al límite, por lo que pidió tregua y se disculpó con Simón.

"No no, yo lo siento, me me deje llevar, es que esta simplemente increíble para su edad, perdóneme don" dijo mientras sacaba su pene del culo del viejo toro.

Ya ambos recostados en la cama descansando, Simón hablo, "Iré al pueblo, tengo que enfrentar esto, dar la cara, no puedo seguir huyendo, ya perdí a mi familia, y mis padres están sufriendo por los chismes, tengo que ir" dijo

"Ok" solo respondió Demetrio, para después caer dormido.


The work day ended and they both arrived home tired.

"I'm going to go take a shower boy, I don't want you to catch me smelling bad" said Demetrio as he left the room,

Simón looked at him blushing and left after him, "in that case, allow me to accompany you too," they both smiled and headed to a small stream near his house.

While washing in the water, Simón began to remember his family, and he began to get sad, he saw old Demetrio "will that be my future?, growing old in this place like him, alone" he thought as he rubbed the water on his chest.

Demetrio approached and sat next to him, then he lowered his hand and began to rub his member with his hand. Simón looked at him surprised and smiled tenderly.

"I guess he was looking forward to this moment more than I was," he thought and let the old man rub his crotch, his abdomen and chest, and then he let himself be carried away with the caresses of the old man who without a doubt knew what he was doing.

Simón's penis was throbbing like crazy, he was at the point and could not and did not want to resist any longer, he wanted with all his soul to penetrate that mastodon.

And without expecting it or thinking about it, he found himself in a dance of kisses and caresses with that man, his hands slid on the old bull's enormous back, he squeezed the hard buttocks tightly, while the tongues and snouts of both intertwined in a game. of voracious passion. Like Simón, Demetrius squeezed Simón's buttocks, clung tightly to his back and then pressed his body against his, making both of them feel the crazy pulse of their hearts as they beat the battle.

The door to the house opened with such force that one of its hinges broke and the door fell tilted, but that didn't matter, both lovers fell on the bed and rolled around caressing their bodies.

"Give it to me now!" Demetrius gasped as he turned around on all four of his limbs.

"Simon smiled and kissed the back of the old bull, and brought the head of his penis to the entrance of the bull who was panting ecstatically, then with a light spit, Simón began to push his member against Demetrio's anus until he gave in to pressure, and the bull let out a cry of pleasure and pain, his legs trembled and his insides felt as full as they had so long ago, the Bull delighted in the pleasure of the dragon's attacks, so strong and abrupt that they reminded him of the Simón's grandfather, and he smiled and remembered the good times.

The hours passed and the old man, although he wanted to keep up with Simón, was simply impossible for him. He was no longer the young man of 16 who served the desires of a dragon of 46 and a dragon of 23. He was no longer young at 67. years and his strength was failing him and his ass had reached the limit, so he asked for a truce and apologized to Simón.

"No no, I'm sorry, I got carried away, it's just incredible for his age, forgive me Don" he said as he took his penis out of the old bull's ass.

Now that they were both lying on the bed resting, Simón spoke, "I'm going to go to town, I have to face this, show my face, I can't keep running away, I've already lost my family, and my parents are suffering because of the gossip, I have to go" he said.

"Ok," only Demetrio responded, and then fell asleep.



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