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Simon saw how that huge bull leaned back and turned his back on him, and he felt that it was his opportunity to put things in his favor, so he began to move slowly towards the rickety dresser, but the mere fact of taking a step caused him a sharp pain throughout his body from head to toe, everything hurt, so he began to breathe and gasp with difficulty.

"Keep going like this and maybe you'll die after all, boy" said the bull with a mocking voice.

"Damn old man, why is he doing this to me?" Simon asked between gasps, but the old man didn't respond.

"He's going to kill me, right?" Simon asked in a low voice, resigned to the fate he believes is doomed.

"I'm poor, but I'm not a murderer, now don't bother me anymore, I want to sleep" the old man answered with an annoying tone of voice.

"He really thinks I'm stupid! He's probably waiting for me to let my guard down so he can kill me and keep my skin" the dragon assured annoyed.

"If I think you're stupid, if you're so afraid you can get out, you'll see I'm not stopping you, now let me sleep" said the dragon as he settled his pillow and lay down again.

"Give me my clothes and I'll go" Simon said leaning against the wall.

"What clothes are you talking about, I found you naked floating in the irrigation canal, I put those bandages on you that you are wearing now, I took care of you these 20 days that you were unconscious, but it's okay, you want clothes, there are my pants, take it, but shut up at once and let me sleep", said the old man who threw his pants in Simon's face, and then leaned back again.


Simon vio como aque enorme toro se recostaba y le daba la espalda, y sintio que era su oportunidad para poner las cosas a su favor, por lo que comenzo a avanzar lentamente hacia el tocador desvensijado, pero el simple hecho de dar un paso le causaba un dolor agudo en todo el cuerpo desde los pies a la cabeza todo le dolia, por lo que empezo a respirar y jadear con dificultad.

"sigue asi y puede que despues de todo si te mueras muchacho" dijo el toro con voz burlona.

"Maldito viejo, porque me hace esto?", pregunto Simon entre jadeos, pero el viejo no respondio.

"Va a matarme, verdad?" pregunto Simon con una voz baja, resignado al destino que cree esta condenado.

"Soy pobre, pero no soy un asesino, ahora no me molestes mas, quiero dormir" respondio el viejo con un tono de voz molesta.

"De verdad cree que soy estupido!, seguramente esta esperando que baje mi guardia para matarme y quedarse con mi piel" aseguro el dragon molesto.

"Si creo que eres un estupido, si tanto miedo tienes puedes largarte veras que no te detengo, ahora dejame dormir" dijo el dragon mientras acomodaba su almohada y volvia a recostarse.

"Dame mi ropa y me largare" dijo Simon apoyandose en la pared.

"De que ropa hablas, te encontre desnudo flotando en el canal de riego, yo te puse esas vendas que ahora traes, cuide de ti estos 20 dias que estuviste inconsiente, pero esta bien, quieres ropa ahi esta mi pantalon, tomalo, pero callate de una vez y dejame dormir", dijo el anciano quien avento su pantalon a la cara de Simon, y despues se recosto nuevamente. 



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